Well that's true. However I've been sitting here right next to the rig all day, watching it run. It hasn't gone down, and it certainly wasn't sick.
(As the lead developer for LeaseRig, it helps me to see rigs working while I'm performing deployments, etc.)
I was there watching when you rented the rig for 3 hours this morning, and everything ran well enough (ironically there was no feedback for that rental). After that lease expired, I was there watching when you rented it a second time. At the beginning of the second rental period, the hash rate for the rig dropped to half. So I checked to see how your pools were configured, and noticed that you had only configured one pool (which was apparently having issues like a lot of the whitecoin pools today). If you look at the screen shot below, you'll see that the rig speed dropped right at the beginning of the rental term, and went right back up to normal at the end of the rental. Since I was deploying a new version of the site today, I didn't really have a chance to send you a message saying the same thing that's detailed on the site...
When you're renting rigs, PLEASE configure at least 2 pools. If you don't configure a fail-over backup, and the one pool you have configured fails, then you've ultimately screwed yourself. I usually configure 3-4 just to be safe, BECAUSE ALL POOLS FAIL AT SOME POINT. It's also a good strategy to keep in mind the geographical location of the rigs you're renting, because pointing a rig that's in the US to a pool in Europe may not give as much value for your coin.
If you don't agree with my assessment of your issue, please let me know so we can work something out!