I would never , ever invest in or use google coins. Google is an obnoxious corporation with entirely too much power that thinks it can do whatever it wants and most of the time it can... It's already taking over the world.
I like bitcoin because no government or corporation controls it.
Last night I stumbled over this video on you tube of this woman, clearly some kind of pagan-esque religious sort who was "analyzing" the timing on singularity and transhumanism as a plot of the evil government, and this technology "the government" is creating is all to enslave us. Bitcoin just wants us to give all our money into it and it will steal it and lock us in, and then these technologies will be used against us - like (which was my fave
) the ability *they* have right now to download our brainwaves and steal our thoughts. Google is a mark of the beast company the government has established to make us all slaves.
I couldn't shake the irony that she was using Google Search to display the growing and alarming number of transhumanist sites gearing up for an all out takedown of the human race and making video to put on You Tube...and she no doubt uses gmail if she's on you tube. She even said teenagers must be protected because they don't know about this transhumanist agenda. That's about the time my eye started twitching and I felt IQ points evaporating and the air thinning.
The timing of bitcoin and all the technology coming about...clearly, clearly signs that the apocalypse is at hand. She couldn't manage to connect the dots that the timing of bitcoin being released to the world was the year following the AIG bank robbery and bankruptcy of the people dependent on fiat currency. Nope, it's the debil gearing up to take our souls.
Google the evil government created corporation, out to enslave us.
Google is a transhumanist entity and they use their muscle to block oppressive regimes, ours included. Because they can.
They are not interested in our private information to sell to evil governments nefarious plots to track us...they are all about making it easier for us in a contained setting to have everything customized to our liking at our fingertips so the easier our lives are, the more shit we will ultimately use from Google....and frankly, I'm not opposed to that. While I HATE the censorship of you tube, it's the only one these days, but I don't have a big issue using ONE login/pw credential to access all the various things so I'm not spending half the morning logging into stuff.
They're not an evil entity out to take our souls. They're quite a charitable entity out to change the world and liberate humanity from these bronzed age psychopathic governments and bankrupting cartels.
So +1 Google