How come I`m seeing more btc-e accounts getting hacked... this is like the 3rd thread I seen so far about a hack..
As the e-mail to the OP states the withdrawel was even confirmed from his E-Mail i guess it's a combination of somehow getting the e-mail addresses of btc-e users and then getting into their e-mail and btc-e accounts through phishing or hacking the users home computer. Especially when dealing with cryptocurrencies it is important to handle computers and the internet with care. Don't open every E-Mail, keep our Antivirus up to date, don't go to every website that pops up and do not download hack/cheat programms for online games (those are to my knowledge one of the easiest ways to spread trojans and keyloggers and even get paid for it). Generally take the time to educate ourself and know what programs services should and should not be running on your computer.
And most importantly: do not misuse the account of an exchange as your regular wallet. Seeing the huge amounts of money involved letting it sit there with the echange basically is begging to get hacked sooner or later.