Looks pretty suspicious, can't find any good news and the price just keeps rising. Could this be the beginning of bitcoin? I'm sorry people, looks like it's GAME ON. Get in while you can before the melt-up begins.
LMAO, couldn't resist after the endless trolling about price drops and bad news...
people are realizing the chinese news of december-last week was overhyped or full of fud
news todaykimdotcom (mega.co.nz) has announced he supports bitcoin
chinese exchanges announce that they have banks that allow them to continue trading
chinese exchanges prove they are not dissolving by releasing ATM's to expand their business
bad people of bitcoin are getting arrest warrents/court orders thrown at them, which restores confidence that theives get punished (neobee)
big canadian bitcoin convention happening
news of more businesses accepting bitcoin this week
square announces they are working with bitcoin, for their merchants