is for SALE!I got Ill soon after the launch of the website and sadly I was not able to use a PC for over 9 months anymore. I kept the website up hoping that one day I would have time again to develop it further with my programmers.
But the website is now for sale as I won't be able to work on it anymore. Even if the development costs for the project amount to 10.000US$+, any offer starting at a minimum of 10BTC BTC will be considered. Pls PM me if you are interested or for more information.
Thanks for your attention 
WWW.CRYPTOCOINRANK.COM - The New Cryptocurrency Live Ranking website listing Cryptocoins by Total Market Capitalization, Average Price and Aggregate Exchange Volume.The homepage also includes a
Live Bitcoin News Ticker on top which you will love. It delivers the latest and most updated News about Bitcoin, there will be no need to browse for Bitcoin News anymore. That one headline will deliver you always with the most important articles, but see for yourself.
It features also an
Instant Cryptowallet Value Calculator. For each Cryptocoin just add the quantity you hold in the form next to it, and calculate the Total Value of your Portfolio (results are visible at the end of the page, for now).
Numeric Stats are updated automatically every 5 minutes without any need to refresh the page. You will have position change indication every 5 minutes next to each coin.
Each Cryptocoin has it's own Showcase, displaying some general information (Name, Logo, Website, Algorithm, API Status) along with Economical Stats, some mining statistics (if available from a block explorer), Resources, Live News, Mcap graph over time.
- Minted Coins -> number of coins mined
- AVG Price -> average price (±24h% change)
- Market Cap -> market capitalization (±24h% change)
- Global Hashrate -> global mining hashrate (±24h% change) | (KH = KiloHash, MH = MegaHash, GH = GigaHash, TH = TeraHash , PH = PicoHash)
- Global Difficulty -> global mining difficulty (±24h% change)
- Profitability vs BTC-> profitability of mining the Altcoin and trading it for BTC instead of mining Bitcoin directly (±24h% change)
- AGG Trading Volume -> combined trading volume from many different exchanges (±24h% change coming soon)
- A Market Capitalization graph is available in different time frames (24h | 7d | 1m | 3m | 6m) -> the website has just gone live and graphs will not show much data for now. The graph is also one of the parts that will surely be improved in the next updates.
In the lower part of the detailpage you'll find:
- Live Twitter News from Cryptocoin Dev Team -> You can use this widget also to send a Tweet directly to the Team!
- Live Cryptcoin Twitter News -> In this box you can read all ongoing discussions and news on Twitter about a Cryptocoin and also Tweet what you have to say right away
- Live Reddit News -> Live Reddit news ticker for each Cryptocoin. You can directly interact through this box.
And many more features and information will be added soon. Already now each "Showcase" of a Cryptocoin will give you lots of information. And it's all on one page. And from the same page you can contact the Developer team and/or Tweet about the coin. Or you can watch if/how the news reflect on mcap of coin. And there are so many other stat-combinations that will help you to stay updated and to decide wether or not to invest in a Cyptocoin.
Some notes:
- Profitability is not available for all coins
- API Status: if the API Status says "Down", the Mcap information could be outdated because either the Price or the Supply API is down for this coin
- Website, Dev News: a Cryptocoin without an official website should be threated with extreme caution. From the Live News you will be able to see if the Dev Team is active or not.
The Showcase let's you easily make a guess on how popular a certain Cryptocurrency is. But this is just the start, many more useful features, news and stats will follow soon! IS FREE OF ADVERTISEMENTS, which makes it incredibly fast considering the amount of data displayed at one time (and much more beautiful and relaxing). It's the result of 4 months of hard work, data collection, thinking, sleep loss etc.. dedicated to a Crypotcoin loving community full of "Cryptojunkies" like myself. All the important information you need, in one place. I hope you enjoy it. The website has NO ADS and NO INCOME as for now. It cost a lot of time and resources (I'm not a developer myself so I had to hire some of won't believe how many until it was done...).
There are a few ways YOU CAN HELP THIS PROJECT, IT'S FREE!:- LIKE on Facebook! just click the Facebook Like Box in the header and share the website with your Family and Friends!- Share the Showcase of your favorite Cryptocoin. You can do this with a simple mouse click on the cool sharing buttons on the left- If you have some unused space in your Signature here on Bitcointalk, consider linking to the website for a little time- Share it with friends on other social networks, email, Twitter or directly while having a couple of cold beers
- If you are a Cryptocoin Developer you could link from your website directly to your Showcase! Like: You could also add as resource in your [ANN] Thread here on [Suspicious link removed]ize]
- You can Tweet the website to your followers and share it on Facebook
As you can see ITS EASY TO HELP THIS PROJECT IN MANY WAYS, FOR FREE and IN SECONDS/MINUTES. THANK YOU, your support is much appreciated!
Feedback, suggestions, bug/error reports and coin addition requests are welcome.
Donations are also much appreciated. They will be a big help for further developments (many cool new features and stats will be added as soon as possible depending on available budget and time). I'm glad to accept any Cryptocoin for Donations. So in the strange case you feel the need to donate some of them, just send me a PM here on bitcointalk or Tweet something. You can also write a mail to cryptocoinrank(AT)gmail(DOT)com or send a message to Cryptocoinrank on Facebook! So "I wanted to donate but was not able to contact you" is the one excuse you can't use 
Cryptocurrency Charts by Market Capitalization |
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BADGESThe little images next to each Cryptocurrency are CCR Badges. Hover with your mouse over them to get an explanation of their meaning.

= Highest Market Capitalization

= 2° in Market Capitalization

= 3° in Market Capitalization

= Click it to view all stats about a Cryptocoin

= Newly added Cryptocoin (remains for 1 week)

= Most profitable Cryptocoin to mine compared to Bitcoin

= Innovative Cryptocoin (more on detail page)

= Risky Cryptocoin (more on detail page)

= No website listed for this Cryptocoin yet

= To the Moon!

= Going Down!

= Fair premine (≤ 2%)

= Premine without any given reason

= Heavy premine

= Airdrop or other distribution method

= Dying/Dead coin

= Information in Showcase for this coin has been updated in the last 24h

= Cryptocoin launched along with Creative feature

= IPO (IPCO)[/size]

= 100% Premine[/size]

= Re-launched by new Devs or Community takeover

= Paying Nominal Stake Interest

= It is possible to Merge Mine this coin along with another one

= Dev Team is giving away a % of minted coins to Charity
Volume badges are based on Volume ranges:

KNOWN ISSUES (will be fixed starting from next week)- Pagination. Page will be devided in 100 coins each page
- 24h MCAP % change for coins with very low prices (below 1 Satoshi). These coins have to use LTC as base price, this still needs to be integrated. It also makes their MCAP display wrong in the BTC tab, so coins with very low prices are deactivated for a few days until new API implementation
- Not mineable coins like Ripple, Nxt, Mastercoin etc.. will be added asap
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CRYPTOCOINS TO ADD AS SOON AS POSSIBLEThere are some Cryptocoins I would like to to add right away, but I can't seem to find a Block Crawler API page that shows the "Total Supply" numeric value . Coin Devs are invited to provide a working "total supply API page" for their coins if they want to get listed on
Examples of Block Crawler supply API pages:
Total supply page url syntax example #1:
Total supply page url syntax example #2:
UPDATING DATA OF CRYPTOCOINSAs you might have noticed, has a beautiful design and offers each Cryptocoin it's own Showcase with a lot of Statistics, Information and News. This service is completely free and there are not even Advertisements on the page. The website is already listing OVER 250 Cryptocoins, so you will understand the amount of work to keep this informatin up-to-date (Cryptocurrencies are a really new invention, therefore it's not unusual for them to change name, logo, abbreviation etc..).
The easiest way to keep this website PERFECTLY updated would be if each Cryptocoin Developer checks the information on his dedicated Showcase page. If something is wrong, please pm me here on with a message like this:
"Coin name""wrong stat/name/logo/abbreviation/etc.." - "include the right value of the stat in your message"Example:Abccoin
500 is the wrong maximum number of coins -> "10000"If you like this free service for your Cryptocurrency, it should also be in your interest to check/complete all the information that is available inside your Cryptocurrency's Showcase.
It would be nice if you could link back to You can just copy/paste the code below:
<a href="" title="Cryptocurrency Market Capitalizations Ranking, Average Prices, Aggregate Trading Volume and many more Useful Statistics"></a>
Thank you!
HOW TO DISPLAY LIVE TWITTER NEWS ON CRYPTOCOINRANK Twitter is experiencing a issue which redirects some users to an "error" page when trying to create a "Widget". The Cryptocoinrank Twitter account started experiencing this issue since 2 weeks now and I was able to create "only" about 100 widgets.
The good news is that you can create your own widgets in a couple of minutes and therefore you will be able to display Live Development news inside your Showcase.
Quick guide on how to display Live Dev News and Live Tweets inside your Showcase on In the upper right corner of your Twitter account click the "settings icon" and choose "settings".
- In the left sidebar of the new page click on "Widgets" , the last link at the bottom of the navigation bar.
- In the new page that opens click on "Create new" in the upper right corner.
- First create a "Timeline" by adding your username "@yourTwittername". Check/uncheck "Exclude replies" as you prefer. It's better to Uncheck "Auto-expand photos". Now just press "Create Widget" and copy/paste the code somewhere. It will lok like this:
<a class="twitter-timeline" href="" data-widget-id="432305809704222720">Tweets by @CryptoCoinRank</a>
<script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+"://";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");</script>
Repeat the Widget creation process to create another one just that this time you will select "Search" instead of "Timeline" and add the name of your Cryptocoin next to Hashtag "#". The code will look nearly identical as the above. But the "url" and "id" will be different.
Once you have done this, from both code snipplets you will need the "Url" (in the example above: and the "id" (
432305809704222720). When you are ready, please send me a pm on Bitcointalk like this:
"Coin name""Twitter timeline link - Twitter ID#1"
"Twitter search link - Twitter ID#2"Example: - 432305809704222720Once I add this information to the Database, your Showcase will immediately start displaying news. Remember that you will not only be able to post Live Dev News on, but also visitors with a Twitter account will be able to directly Tweet TO the Cryptocoin Dev Team and/or ABOUT the Cryptocoin itself.
IN CASE THE REDDIT BOX IS NOT SHOWING NEWS:Reddit box works changes dynamically the link of the Reddit url to the "Coin name". In case Reddit news don't show up for your Cryptocoin, please PM me the proper Reddit URL and I will make them work.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If a Cryptocurrency is traded on a few exchanges and has a working block crawler it will be listed soon.
A Cryptocurrency needs to meet following requirements to compete with other coins in the ranking:
- it has to be traded on an exchange
- it needs a block explorer url (API) displaying Total number of coins minted
Cryptocurrencies that are traded on exchange but that don't have a block explorer showing total supply yet, can also be listed. But they will automatically fall at the bottom of the page becau
se Market Capitalization can't be calculated yet.
You will see there are already some coins listed where MCAP is not showing. Once a total supply link will be available for these, they will start to display Market Capitalization.
Help keeping the website updated: - Cryptocoins often change/update their Coin Logo. If you see that a Logo is outdated, please report this
- If you see that an API for a Cryptocoin you support is down and you know another one, please send me a PM and I will put it up again asap.
For Cryptocoin Development teams: All your Twitter news will be displayed directly and live on your Cryptocoin's detail page. Users will be able to interact directly with your team and at the same time get all the stats and news for your Cryptocurrency. If you see that your Cryptocurrency does not display any Twitter news, you can post here or PM me with your Twitter url so that it can be added. Please consider that not having a Twitter News account for your Cryptocoin, through which you can interact directly with your supporters is a serious leak (especially because the majority of Cryptocoins have one).

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Donations will help yo keep the website free of Ads and help to develop future upgrades. You will find a few donation links in the footer of Please contact me for a donation in any other currency, I would be glad to download a wallet of your coin and accept it
. Your support is much appreciated, Thank you!Enjoy - - Live Cryptocurrency Market Capitalization, Statistics and News