How about you just read a dictionary? Or take a second to click on the link I provided?
Your definition of "ego" isn't relevant to anyone else but
you. So you can't use it in a conversation
with us as if we understand what you are saying.
jonald_fyookball is right - you aren't teachable at all. Time to me to take a break.
Dank, I hope you'll get the help you need and eventually experience egodeath. Being at inner peace with one's self is quite rewarding and uplifting. You don't talk suicide when you don't have an ego. (Posted for the newbies)
Dude, you're an idiot. You're satan's little bitch.
I pray for you vod.
January the 9th of 2013 was the day of the sacrifice.
I laid out in a a yard for hell's angels to shoot me for my conflicting viewpoint on the world.
Guess what, they didn't shoot me. Maybe, just maybe, nobody could get their self to kill god.
Because, god is eternal. I am them. I respect them. I love them, they have reaffirmed my beliefs. And for that, they will get heaven.
And you know what? When you get orders to shoot a 19 year old kid and you see him completely at peace in a yard waiting to be shot, you can't do it.
Love is infinite. That is what I got out of that. So let's unite and all attain superpowers. Because I am god, and I know how.
What the fuck did I just read?
Did you have a history of schizophrenia in your family? Shit is borderline scary to read
No, just borderline stupid spiritually/hippie stuff.
For anyone who doesn't know, Dank has done, and continues to do, a plethora (Dank that means a lot) of drugs. He has probably killed most of his brain cells due to the number of and amount of different drugs he has injected, smoked, and who knows what else into his body. His "inner peace" is nothing but a reflection of how he perceives the world, which is wrong, since his mind is so far gone.
Just remember when reading his posts that he is not a sane person, and that whatever he says is probably a lie to get attention, because people would otherwise ignore him for being a drug addicted hippie.