Alright, I was number 98. What exactly does this achieve? I don't know anything about Thunderclap.
It will send out one MASSIVE amount of tweets in one go, thereby creating a wave effect.
Yeah, I know.
I would like to have it the other way round: as the primary domain to which everybody redirects to.
To me, it is the natural choice. Shorter = better.
I think it will be like that soon. I understood there will be two sites: for people who are new to Nxt and to get the community together.
Well, I hope that it will be.
What I do not understand is: Should the forum not be the place to get the community together?
It will be like that once is live.
Also: nope, most people don't visit forums. We're the geeks is a "portal" for people who just want to use Nxt, but not discuss it. There are more of those than "hardcore" internet users.
But why so much focus on the "nerd" side of Nxt? Is that how new people want to be seen and associated with? As Nxt Nerds?
I think it's a funny part and it surely can be part of the website, but this is to much IMHO.
I ask a friend of mine about it. She likes it.
"It stresses the importance of people and the open community", she said.
The idea is a "tongue-in-cheek" approach, combined with the current fad for being a "nerd".
Also: what do you thing of the functions on the site, for submitting articles and posting jobs?