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Author Topic: Are you a sociopath - psychopath?  (Read 1691 times)
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April 30, 2014, 02:35:59 AM

Would a sociopath consider themselves a sociopath?   Roll Eyes

Based on my experience in dealing with a few of them, they know.

My $.02.


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April 30, 2014, 03:06:01 AM

Call it a hunch but something tells me a sociopath would have a problem with being labled a sociopath lol.
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April 30, 2014, 03:09:45 AM

Call it a hunch but something tells me a sociopath would have a problem with being labled a sociopath lol.

Actually they don't and for the most part come to terms with what they are.

Check out this:

He told the courts in very cool terms what he had done and what he would do should he not be locked up.

My $.02.


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April 30, 2014, 03:12:42 AM

the serial murderers have a sense of pride about what they do.. it actually turns them on.
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April 30, 2014, 02:01:02 PM

Call it a hunch but something tells me a sociopath would have a problem with being labled a sociopath lol.

They would probably just gloat and take pride in themselves if they were exposed as a sociopath. They would do whatever they could to appear as if they're still on top or in control.

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April 30, 2014, 03:16:24 PM

what makes you think people know they're sociopaths?

@ThisWeeksCoin (OP)
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April 30, 2014, 03:38:36 PM

what makes you think people know they're sociopaths?
They're different.
They look for the "symptoms" and discover it.

( I guess? Tongue )

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April 30, 2014, 05:37:50 PM

what makes you think people know they're sociopaths?

look up reddit amas about sociopaths.. there are people who are diagnosed with it.. they just accept it. not all of them are like that, sure, but i'd guess that there are a decent number of them who know.
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April 30, 2014, 06:07:51 PM

Call it a hunch but something tells me a sociopath would have a problem with being labled a sociopath lol.

Actually they don't and for the most part come to terms with what they are.

Check out this:

He told the courts in very cool terms what he had done and what he would do should he not be locked up.

My $.02.


Well I stand corrected.  Seems they bask in the glory of being demonized, go figure.
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April 30, 2014, 06:09:45 PM

Call it a hunch but something tells me a sociopath would have a problem with being labled a sociopath lol.

They would probably just gloat and take pride in themselves if they were exposed as a sociopath. They would do whatever they could to appear as if they're still on top or in control.

I guess when you are mentally unstable people should expect your actions to be represented and magnified by your disability.  Kind of a no brainier no pun intended.
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April 30, 2014, 06:19:24 PM

High-functioning sociopaths are interesting; they're not necessarily violent people, they acknowledge what they are and cope as anyone else might.  Psychopaths OTOH are nucking futs and I wouldn't want to cross one in a dark alley.

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April 30, 2014, 06:29:24 PM
Last edit: May 24, 2014, 04:56:42 PM by practicaldreamer

I had a girlfriend back in the day who I believe now was a sociopath. It was a nightmare.

     I remember reading somewhere that Ian Brady had said that Myra Hindley had had a sex drive "almost like a mans" - and I must say, the woman I had the misfortune of knowing could be described likewise - not that I'd put the woman in the same category as Hindley, but it has made me think over the years about the relationship between sexuality/sexual deviancy (hormones ?) and (female) sociopathy.

  And no, to answer the OP, I don't believe that  I'm either a sociopath or a psychopath. These are terms we only use for the dysfunctional working class - and not the ambitious performance driven upper middle class (like wot I am guv  Wink)  Grin
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April 30, 2014, 08:55:45 PM

Does anyone here like snooker ? The world championship is on at the minute in Sheffield. Terry Griffiths is doing a bit of commentary - I like Terry, he's a philosopher of the green baize.
      Reason I mention it is that earlier on today Terry was trying to explain (understand) what happens psychologically when the game of a player collapses - and in snooker it is always some kind of mental collapse that makes the top professional lose. He said that a player makes a mistake in one frame and subsequently loses the frame - he then spends the next 5 frames pondering over the mistake that he made initially - and so subsequently loses the next 5 frames also. As Terry put it, the player becomes halted in the moment of the initial mistake, but meanwhile time moves on around him.

   It just struck me that the psychopath would be much less likely to fall prey to such mental collapses whereby they might, as a result, lose the match. They would move on much quicker. Psychopathy confers some kind of an evolutionary benefit after all - albeit, when looking at the long game, lesser of an advantage than that of rational empathy and compassion.

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May 01, 2014, 01:43:34 PM

I had a girlfriend back in the day who I believe now was a sociopath. It was a nightmare.

I think all my ex girlfriends have been sociopaths lol.

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May 01, 2014, 01:46:55 PM

I remember reading somewhere that Ian Brady had said that Myra Hindley had had a sex drive "almost like a mans" - and I must say, the woman I had the misfortune of knowing could be described likewise - not that I'd put the woman in the same category as Hindley, but it has made me think over the years about the relationship between sexuality/sexual deviancy (hormones ?) and (female) sociopathy.

Well usually woman who turn out to be serial killers have a history of being abused by men and have huge daddy issues, so they usually tend to try get affection from men in any way they can and sex is one of those ways. Abusive men then take advantage of this and fuck them up mentally even more and the cycle continues.

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May 01, 2014, 04:45:17 PM

I remember reading somewhere that Ian Brady had said that Myra Hindley had had a sex drive "almost like a mans" - and I must say, the woman I had the misfortune of knowing could be described likewise - not that I'd put the woman in the same category as Hindley, but it has made me think over the years about the relationship between sexuality/sexual deviancy (hormones ?) and (female) sociopathy.

Well usually woman who turn out to be serial killers have a history of being abused by men and have huge daddy issues, so they usually tend to try get affection from men in any way they can and sex is one of those ways. Abusive men then take advantage of this and fuck them up mentally even more and the cycle continues.

Its only just occurred to me, but Brady was of course a psychopath himself - so everything he says has to be taken with a pinch of salt. But I must say, it does have the ring of truth about it.
   Hindley was said to have had a strict and hard father who beat her. Not uncommon this in those days - a "leathering" was par for the course in many households. So I personally am not wholly convinced by this as an explanation, in itself, for her later behaviour. I'm no clinician but I would be interested to know the role of hormones in personality development, in particular abnormal personalities.

   It just struck me that the psychopath would be much less likely to fall prey to such mental collapses whereby they might, as a result, lose the match. They would move on much quicker. Psychopathy confers some kind of an evolutionary benefit after all ...

...except ,of course, they wouldn't generally win the match because they don't have the ability to learn from their own mistakes to quite the same extent as a well adjusted human being - delusions of grandeur etc
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May 07, 2014, 04:57:50 AM

I had a girlfriend back in the day who I believe now was a sociopath. It was a nightmare.

I think all my ex girlfriends have been sociopaths lol.

Finding the normal one is a challenge Smiley although true enough ^_^   ▄████████████████████████████████████▄
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