DEV threw a coin?
No I am still here, I have been thinking about Denarius on and off and watching what coins are being released.
It would be pretty much the same as all the current coins
Yes I could perhaps do a Reboot/Coin Exchange that you could trade in your existing coins for new ones at a certain rate
I could also add one of these Algorithms X11,X13 or X15.
I can even put in PoS making it PoW/PoS at the same time and lowering the coin cap.
Maybe even have a more appealing graphical interfaced wallet with block explorer, etc.
But in saying that... What will all this do ?
It would probably be pumped and dumped again, even after all the effort I went into acquiring people who wanted to take on new means of payment in DenariusCoin for MMO items/Indie Games but none of the big places (CoinPayments) etc wanted to or were either too lazy to so that left it unachievable for potential sales of products/services for DRS.
Anyway............. Right now I'm pretty sure the only way to mine Denarius is by solo mining as all the pools have closed, interestingly enough TradeMyBit MultiPool closed up its doors to all coins due to low profits
You can also get some from the Faucets but its a small amount
So enjoy Denarius while you can !