A word from the team at CoinTerra.Since we started shipping the TerraMiner IV bitcoin miner we have, as you may understand, been exceedingly busy providing support, answering questions and handling the workings of everyday business. We recently announced that we had passed the 5,000 TerraMiner mark which is an incredible achievement, made by a small but dedicated team here in Austin, Texas. An effect of this has been that as much as we would have wanted to, we haven’t had the bandwidth to spend as much time as we have wanted to on the forums.
We acknowledge that a lot of questions and issues are discussed here on bitcointalk.org rather than through our support channel and we will attempt to be more attentive to the community, and provide what information we can in forum threads that concern CoinTerra hardware.
Unfortunately it would be near-impossible for us to answer all open questions on the forums on a case-by-case basis and individual customer support requests should always be communicated through
http://cointerra.com/contactTo give everyone in the community a better understanding of where we are we would like to provide some general information here to help those looking to solve an issue, get up and running with their hardware or simply stay up to date on our development.
Forum Conversation: We have been alerted to the fact that there are a significant number of “troll” accounts here on bitcointalk that exclusively post inflammatory posts concerning legitimate companies.
We have been reaching out to individual users who have posted issues via private message to address concerns they have expressed in the forums. To our surprise very few members have answered our request for contact, typically these are users with a low post count (although not always).
We would encourage users to use their best judgment when determining the legitimacy of posts here on the forums (whether they be CoinTerra related or otherwise).
Support:We always attempt to reply to all support request inquires within 48 hours. At times this has taken longer due to a large volume of support requests but we are currently very close to this goal.
We may occasionally reach out via private messages here on the forum to users requesting support and posting in threads concerning CoinTerra. It is always our goal for all of our customers to receive the support they deserve. Due to privacy rules we are unable to respond to individual customer issues in a public forum.
RMA: For customers that experience issues with their CoinTerra hardware we have a consistent procedure in place to diagnose issues (starting with the customer providing us with system diagnostics unless it is a very rare occurrence of a DOA system – usually due to a shipping mishap) and approved RMA’s now have a typical turnaround time of less than a week.
New Pricing Model:As you may be aware we have recently moved from our fixed pricing to a new “spot pricing” model where we take into account many factors in the bitcoin ecosystem and adjust our prices accordingly.
We believe that customers appreciate the option to purchase in-stock mining equipment for immediate delivery at a price that we feel is very competitive in the marketplace compared to our competitors.
Next Generation:We know that many are interested in what the next step in product development is for CoinTerra and we are, for the time being, still laying the groundwork for future product series. We will provide the community with information on our next generation of bitcoin mining hardware in the near future: All product announcements and updates are made on our website at
http://cointerra.com ASICs, Boards and D-I-Y:In addition to our retail sales of bitcoin mining equipment we have had many requests for sales of components that would allow the community to build their own bitcoin mining equipment based on our technology:
We have recently opened up sales of the GoldStrike I 28nm ASIC chips and boards for mining builder projects and would be happy to discuss the opportunities presented by this with those users who may be interested in developing custom mining solution around our ASIC. If you would be interested in developing your own mining solutions using the GoldStrike I you can contact us via PM here on bitcointalk.org or through
sales@cointerra.com for more information.
General:Since CoinTerra was founded back in mid-2013 the bitcoin ecosystem has exploded and in less than a year bitcoin has grown from a rather publicly unknown project, to what we expect will soon be a highly-adopted transaction ecosystem. As a company dedicated to the success and adoption of bitcoin will continue to deliver industry-leading technology at a highly competitive price, and strive to improve in the areas that need improvement, whatever they may be.
These are very exciting times and we are humbled to be part of a movement with such wide ranging implications for finance, trade, technology and society as a whole.
Team CoinTerrasupport@cointerra.comhttp://cointerra.com