Finally got mine into the co-hosting rack this week. REALLY happy to have these back up and out
of my bedroom!!!
This way I was able to push the fans up to 90% as well.
I never got any notes from the server farm operators yet like another guy here about being the loudest
device ever.
They charged me $225 a month and $225 setup fee for them. MUCH cheaper than my .35C per KWh power
in Japan.
Come July / August I will have my SP30 there as well at another $225 a month so Im happy with their price
and service. They even figured out how to do an emergency recovery with the SD-Card I sent after a small
problem with the static IP settings after a move to 220V rack space.
Im getting between 22 and 25 degree air. Was hoping for 18 to 20 degree but they are running well so far.
Both SP10s are above 1.4GH/s with the latest firmware and custom settings from
Zvisha. Im SOO impressed with the staff at SP-Tech. Always improving and helping us.