This coin combines Kimoto's Gravity Well and Darkcoins Gravity Wave, based on latest Darkcoin Release as we think this
is the most efficient way at the moment as there are no GPU or ASIC miners for X13
People like fancy words. With no idea what difficulty formula does, they believe that those fancy words can keep multipools away.
In practice the outcome is exactly the same, no matter which difficulty formula coin uses. Multipools mine as long as coin is profitable.
Most gravity wave implementations actually do more harm than good since they tend not to react as fast as original simple difficulty formulas do.
Multipool switches to the coin are dependent on how fast difficulty is allowed to move. If difficulty moves very fast with hashrate rising then it results to very spiky mining graph.
If difficulty moves slower, then multipool on/off switches are slower and it results to difficulty left higher for longer time after multipool leaving the coin.
Neither option is good, but faster difficulty moving is likely a better option to choose.
Probably mid-way would be the best. I believe, digishield did this job quite nicely.