I notice there is a premine.
Premine 0.2%
0.2% of what amount? Can you be specific please as there doesn't seem to be a total amount of coins specified.
There is a a premine, it is 0.2% of 4'356'000'000 which is the total supply of the first year, which = 8'712'000 premined coins
Year 2 supply is 1'710'000'000
Year 3 supply is 535'000'000
Year 4 supply is 207'000'000
Total of 6'808'500'000, after year 4 rewards are to remain at 156.25 per block to maintain a supply of 82'125'000 coins annually
Will update thread to be specific, thank you.
Exchanges from the first day?
Not that I am aware of, there are many exchanges with a voting system to have a coin placed on it, I have not submitted Activecoin to any exchanges to start the process and hope that exchanges would find interest without my personal involvement, It seems that by me pursuing such would be a conflict of interest as i am in control of a premine, I will support you or anyone that wishes to get it added to an exchange but do not wish to tarnish my name by spearheading such a development with the conflict being apparent.
To be clear though, I want Activecoin to be added to an exchange asap and would like to see a ACT/Doge market, the Extreme Giveaway on reddit is going to be relying on a path of exchange to BTC, I want the paring with Doge so I can say stuff like 'Wow much sport!' 'Such Active' and use other Doge meme styled phrases for fun
So, lets get an exchange interested!