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Author Topic: CoiniumServ - open source & high performance pooled mining server software  (Read 105804 times)
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December 10, 2017, 05:20:05 PM
Last edit: December 10, 2017, 05:46:52 PM by hazzardouz

I ran a fresh compile and I get the following error when running the .exe on Windows.

It would appear that it does not link to the correct directory when compiled.

12/10/2017 17:07:23 +00:00 [Error] [WebServer] [global] Invalid template path for web-server given; Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\marti\Downloads\CoiniumServ-develop\src\Tests\src\CoiniumServ\web\default'.

If I move the web folder to the location there is no longer an error on statup but the web interface will not load?

Could not locate your error view! Details: Unable to locate view 'error'
Currently available view engine extensions: sshtml,html,htm
Locations inspected: views//error-en-GB,views//error,/error-en-GB,/error,views/error-en-GB,views/error,error-en-GB,error
Root path: C:\Users\marti\Downloads\CoiniumServ-develop\src\Tests\src\CoiniumServ\web\default
If you were expecting raw data back, make sure you set the 'Accept'-header of the request to correct format, for example 'application/json'
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January 09, 2018, 05:37:41 PM

I ran a fresh compile and I get the following error when running the .exe on Windows.

It would appear that it does not link to the correct directory when compiled.

12/10/2017 17:07:23 +00:00 [Error] [WebServer] [global] Invalid template path for web-server given; Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\marti\Downloads\CoiniumServ-develop\src\Tests\src\CoiniumServ\web\default'.

If I move the web folder to the location there is no longer an error on statup but the web interface will not load?

Could not locate your error view! Details: Unable to locate view 'error'
Currently available view engine extensions: sshtml,html,htm
Locations inspected: views//error-en-GB,views//error,/error-en-GB,/error,views/error-en-GB,views/error,error-en-GB,error
Root path: C:\Users\marti\Downloads\CoiniumServ-develop\src\Tests\src\CoiniumServ\web\default
If you were expecting raw data back, make sure you set the 'Accept'-header of the request to correct format, for example 'application/json'

A, cкoнфигypиpoвaл ты eгo пpaвильнo? У, мeня тaкaя жe oшибкa былa, cкoнфигypиpoвaл и вce cтaлo нopмaльнo
Did you configure it correctly? U, I had the same mistake, configured and everything was fine
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January 09, 2018, 05:53:38 PM

I ran a fresh compile and I get the following error when running the .exe on Windows.

It would appear that it does not link to the correct directory when compiled.

12/10/2017 17:07:23 +00:00 [Error] [WebServer] [global] Invalid template path for web-server given; Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\marti\Downloads\CoiniumServ-develop\src\Tests\src\CoiniumServ\web\default'.

If I move the web folder to the location there is no longer an error on statup but the web interface will not load?

Could not locate your error view! Details: Unable to locate view 'error'
Currently available view engine extensions: sshtml,html,htm
Locations inspected: views//error-en-GB,views//error,/error-en-GB,/error,views/error-en-GB,views/error,error-en-GB,error
Root path: C:\Users\marti\Downloads\CoiniumServ-develop\src\Tests\src\CoiniumServ\web\default
If you were expecting raw data back, make sure you set the 'Accept'-header of the request to correct format, for example 'application/json'

folder CoiniumServ \ Config ... there should be 5 files coin.json, config.json, daemons.json, YouCoin.json, software.json
folder CoiniumServ \ Config \ pools ... there must be 2 files default.json, pool.json
Configure them and everything will work.
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January 12, 2018, 10:17:20 AM
Last edit: January 12, 2018, 10:41:07 AM by ViperGuyMike

Hey guys, I have been working on getting CoiniumServ up and running for a couple days. I have the webserver up and running, but CoiniumServ connections are refused by the HTMLcoin daemon, so we get no coin info. After reading up on the html daemon, it looks like it may be due to the fact that the htmlcoin-cli now handles the RPC calls instead of the htmlcoind. I have tried every little trick I can think of to get it to connect without any success. Has anyone figured out a work around for this, or would the pros argue that I have a different cause? Thank-you in advance for any help or suggestions!

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January 26, 2018, 12:04:17 AM

there anyone can setup this server for I will pay for the work please let me know
I have be trying to setup it but not to good on this please PM me with the price and availability to setup it for me I give access with Teamviewer and I need to know if better on Windows Server 2016  Or Ubuntu Server 16.4
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January 27, 2018, 01:58:01 PM

@ViperGuyMike homie can you help me setup ConiumServ on ubuntu. I am facing errors while compiling binaries. help me out with this. tell me each and every step how you setuped you CoiniumServ
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January 31, 2018, 05:44:43 PM

Can anyone shed some light on these out of memory error messages?

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February 02, 2018, 03:06:27 PM

Got this compiled, running with litecoin (some issues still ironing out).  But for the life of me I cannot figure out how to make it do multiple pools.  I'm running a windows server so don't make suggestions for another pool unless it will run on windows server.
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February 02, 2018, 03:16:33 PM

Got this compiled, running with litecoin (some issues still ironing out).  But for the life of me I cannot figure out how to make it do multiple pools.  I'm running a windows server so don't make suggestions for another pool unless it will run on windows server.

You can always run Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and then install whatever you like Cheesy

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February 02, 2018, 03:21:59 PM

You can always run Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and then install whatever you like Cheesy

yeah I know lol, but then I would have to start from scratch. and it takes forever to download the blockchain.  Plus, I am running 2012 which don't have it.
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February 17, 2018, 08:58:07 AM

I'm running ubuntu 16.04 but failed the compile the sources.
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February 20, 2018, 12:31:05 AM

Is there a pool working?
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February 20, 2018, 04:39:32 AM

I'm running ubuntu 16.04 but failed the compile the sources.
just run
$nuget restore
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February 22, 2018, 05:33:17 AM

[Error] [PoolManager] [global] Error recaching statistics; The method or operation is not implemented.

anyone know how to fix this error?
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March 08, 2018, 11:54:15 PM

This pool server was extremely simple to install and get working, even on Linux with the latest code requiring .NET 4.7.  The code seems well written and performant, and updated regularly. All major algorithms are supported, and adding additional support seems simple.

The UI lacks features of other pool software (autorefresh, graphs, etc.) but other than that I can't understand why this pool server is so unpopular?

Anybody know why this software seems to be completely ignored?
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March 09, 2018, 10:15:57 AM

Can anybody help me with this error?

[Error] [Pool] [COIN] Pool initilization failed; System.Exception: There was a problem deserializing the response from the coin wallet. ---> Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: {. Path 'error', line 1, position 24.

I have another coin working without any issue
but the second coin ( the one above ) keeps giving me this error

Running the software using mono CoiniumServ.exe
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March 10, 2018, 12:22:57 PM

Hello Dear autor. Can u help me with CoinumServ?
I am looking to support Equihash algo at ur project.
How i can add this algo?
I try run CoinumServ and see error:
[Error] [CoinOptions] [global] Error loading block explorer options: 'string' does not contain a definition for 'block'
14:23:11 [Error] [Pool] [Bitcoin Gold] Unknown hash algorithm: equihash, pool initilization failed
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March 10, 2018, 07:56:32 PM

is this project still opened? is anybodies still using this?
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March 16, 2018, 06:24:40 PM

Is this software will actively supported?   I see that the author announced the netgen software HypePool back in June 2017 but appears to still be in development.

What is everyone else using?  Looking for something that's stable and is actively supported by the developer/community.  Any recommendation of what to look at or not look at?

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March 19, 2018, 06:14:00 PM


Anyone running the tpruvot fork of yiimp?   is it stable?  good support?  etc.

Thanks, Maxx
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