brock pierce: this news is 15 years old, kind of how i like my boys.
15 years ago, M & C Estate was regarded as a "Male Brothel" throughout Hollywood. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that one place where a 17-year-old heterosexual lad flushed with cash would not hang out, especially when, at the time, he could probably legally fuck mid-teenage pussy?
If a pastor of a small town is accused once of leaving a strip club the next town over, his flock would surely dwindle. Yet, with hundreds accounts of various credibility, we are told to not believe anything anything written about Brock but, at the same time, dissimilar articles from the same sources are used as fodder to espouse why Bitcoin is good for mankind, i.e. the Fed is bad, mmmkay!
"Hey, Brock. I think those twin freshmen chicks want you to fuck them. Why don't you ask them out on a date tonight?"
"Can't, dude. Marc, Chad and I already made plans."
"That's cool, dude. Then, I can have them?"
"Here's a couple hundred bucks. Knock yourself out!"