Wait a second there fella!
This is not about Bitcoin!
This is ALL about The Bitcoin Foundation and
it's current state of affairs.
And it is NOT the 'most prominent trade group'.
Not hardly.
Not anymore.
No Chance.
No Way.
Not Ever again.
They ruined their Organization, Not Bitcoin.
And those dummies are going down the
drainpipe from the looks of things.
This is not at all about Bitcoin.
Bitcoin will shrug this off like everything else and never miss a beat.
This is about some other things altogether separate from Bitcoin.
And certain ones just made some horrific judgement calls as well
as put maybe the very last nails into that organization as it is
known of today. They also just attracted the wrath of God for
what some may have done too. But get the facts straight.
Bitcoin is Great.
Bitcoin is The Future.
Bitcoin is FREEDOM.
No Bailout Queens need apply. There will be No Bailouts For Losers in Bitcoin!