Add a new bookmark to chrome, I haven't tested with firefox.
You just make a new bookmark and put in the code below. When you are on the new replies page or the watchlist it will open a page to the last post of every topic on the list.
Name = whatever
javascript:(function(e,a,g,h,f,c,b,d){if(!(f=e.jQuery)||g>f.fn.jquery||h(f)){c=a.createElement("script");c.type="text/javascript";c.src=""+g+"/jquery.min.js";c.onload=c.onreadystatechange=function(){if(!b&&(!(d=this.readyState)||d=="loaded"||d=="complete")){h((f=e.jQuery).noConflict(1),b=1);f(c).remove()}};a.documentElement.childNodes[0].appendChild(c)}})(window,document,"1.3.2",function($,L){var delay=500;var count=1000;$("a").each(function(){var a=$(this).attr("href");var"topicseen#msg");if(b>10){setTimeout(function(){,"_blank")},count);count=count+delay}});});
There are some delays programmed in to prevent breakage.
Improvements welcome.
I googled for: bitcointalk visit all links in tabs, bitcointalk visit all unread replies in tabs, bitcointalk tab out all watchlist topics
With no luck. Maybe someone else is just as insane and wants this functionality