I forgot to mention that this Paypal ad placement form works ->
http://coindebits.com/btcjamspaypalclickshop.php, and it gets used by people that don't want to buy ads with bitcoin.
This could be profitable for someone with a Paypal account that can place ads. I was approached since posting this by an Admin at a PTC site that wants to use the services because of chargebacks on his Paypal account. I'm not going to name the Admin until he gives me permission. There are probably more admins that would do this.
This could be a decent opportunity if you can place ads with bitcoin, have a Paypal account and are willing to accept a few chargebacks.
Its a win win, people can pay with paypal and sites can be bitcoin only at the same time.
I personally don;t want to use payal and I don't want to place other people's ads for a living. But maybe someone here wouldn't mind either/