Wow...a lot of pro-socialists lately.
Doesn't Dogecoin have its own forum?
you sir, sound like an ancap extremist. not everyone has to say things that you agree with.. it doesn't make you a bad guy to concede that castro did some good things. i don't know if anyone here is calling him a saint, they are just saying he has done some good.
while i'm not a big supporter of socialism, i don't think anarcho-capitalism is any better.
Same position, considering his circumstances he did the best he could, not always the ideal but he adapted to circumstances.
The whole period after the end of Russian support at the end of the cold war destroyed the economy.
But Castro did try to fix it with increasing tourism and making new alliances with Latin American countries
All while facing that US boycott of Cuba that every other country abandoned years ago and said interference that comes with that.
Even the UN has been condemning them the USA for its boycott since 1992 end of Cold War.
That said I do credit Cuba with some creative ideas to address food problems like Organopónicos and making do even with the economic problems they face. The tourist money and differences in wealth is a problem in that country but the resolution requires time, and economic development.
We can compare it to China in that sense.
At the least they provide free high quality education, Cuban doctors are in high demand and trusted for a reason, and they do practice preventive healthcare not just the standard type, like in the Western countries.
Only humans they can't be perfect or a super robot (Except in Robot Chicken XD) there is an extreme and then a step in the right direction to seeing the whole issue.