I don't know if yonce was the FinMutual admin or not. Still he continues to try and suck people into his scams. yonce has started a thread about HYIPs where he can play the hero. He deletes any post that doesn't suck up to him.
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=589404.msg6459520#msg6459520First and foremost my responsibility is to my downline, not to random people on this forum. If I don't speak to you on a regular basis over email or skype, then don't expect me to jump on here to immediately warn people about a program I am in that might be in trouble or not.
I warned about Finmutual on Sunday the 22nd on this thread. If you don't talk to me personally, don't expect me to banter about programs I am in if things start to go sour on a public forum. I have investments to protect and keep conversation private between me and my referrals if a program becomes unstable. The only thing posting publicly would do is guarantee my referrals and I to stop receiving payouts.
My last payout and recorded payouts from my refs were on Thursday the 19th of June in Finmutual. It was a matter of hours at least for my refs and I. For a program that paid for almost a year, it shouldn't have stopped paying in a matter of hours. And it was cold turkey. Big and small. A program of Finmutual's size should have had a period of selective payouts long before it stopped paying. No idea what happened to Finmutual, but is dead now, but did well for me. On the other hand, Rockwell and Btc-arbs paid for between 3-4 months each. They were both crap HYIP's run by admins not intending to go the distance.
My near flawless record is fine, thanks for asking.
As of now the only program me and my downline are in is Cryptory. The world cup has been in full swing and its a dead zone of the year of the HYIP industry. Maybe log off for a bit yourself and it might ease your mind.
His record isn't flawless!
1) He pushed FinMutual so much at first that he earned negative trust. FinMutual didn't last long after he started pumping it. For the record since he publically pushed FinMutual he did owe to the board to report when things were going bad. Of coarse he has a conflict of interest if he is the FinMutual admin. Anyway FinMutual is now a failed program.
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=557446.msg6072515#msg6072515 (also see below as I'm saving this from his continued edits and deletes.)
2) He was wrong about BTC-Arbs. It did crash and there were lies but the admin has been paying back people their deposits. (Lost the gains though) Just how is that a typical Ponzi? Anyway he tried a bunch of times to whip up a storm of hate towards the admin and likely scare the payments off but thankfully he failed. I actually received back my 1 BTC deposit while this was going on.
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=474787.msg7186252#msg71862523) Bitcoin-trader.biz admin believes yonce actually tried to backmail them for 10 BTC and then he started posting here as yonce when they refused to pay. I don't know if that is really true or not, but it seems to fit his character. Anyway Bitcoin-trader.biz is still going strong and seems to be getting stronger.
References are in this thread:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=626622.0This was yonce on his FinMutual thread.
Last Edit: Today, April 30th at 06:22:10 AM
I no longer share my HYIP investment choices unless asked to by PM. I also do not give out referral links unless explicitly asked for one. Some extremely spiteful people on this board, more than likely paid ponzi pumpers of the scummy HYIP sites trying to scam Bitcoiners in particular with their false stories of "Bitcoin arbitrage trading" and the likes.
Updating this post again one more time since some fucktards like to link to it constantly to detract from real conversations going on about btc-arbs, a program I called out for the scummy scam it was. I had a referral link in this thread which was removed almost immediately when people posted below. I then on April 30th removed all the content of the post. None the less I have never bumped this thread since originally posting it and I can't delete threads.