English please
Ok I will translate that for you: Till stated that Austria is a Swiss country and I asked him whether that was a typo or he doesn't know better.
oO fuck 3 tage wach verwirrt schon etwas sry :-)
Entschuldigung. wobei das eh alles das selbe ist unterhalb der weisswurstgrenze
und rechts vom Rhein fängt eh schon Russland an... hat zumindest Napoleon
damals so gesagt. Nationalstolz hin oder her ...
ihr sprecht immernoch deutsch , das sollte man nicht vergessen .
Translation :
Oo ficken , i doesnt sleep the last 3 days and and yes ... i feel a Little bit tipsy Entschuldigung :-)
"and now it would hard to translate unless u didnt understand the whole sentence ... "i feel realy sorry for my mistake but in my "and most german" opinion the whole area
which is southern from Bavaria....
" Weisswurstgrenze = "White"Sausage borderline" where nearby all People loves "weisswurst" is Germany too . " like USA & hawai "
the People who lives in "Austria and switzerland" maybe trust that they are single countrys
but we should not Forget "and allways remind" that the language which is spoken in These countries
is German !
kindly regarts oder wie auch immer .
bääähmmm 1a übersetz
bääääng first grade Translation,
i dont know if my english teacher is still allive , but if he read this
he will quiet his Job .