Algorithm: X11-POW
Symbol: SLC
total coin: 69,696,969
Block reward: 69
Block Time: 30 sec
Confirmations on Transactions: 3
PREMINE: 0.5%!!!
Bounty for first pool : 69 coins
Bounty for second pool : 69 coins
Bounty for getting listed on Bittrex : 6969 coins
Bounty for getting listed on Poloniex: 6969 coins
Source Code:
This coin is created to prevent young girls to walk into prostitution. There are several reasons why young girls are landed into prostitution. Studies show that many women engage themselves in such activities as prostitution by their own choice, forced into it, or because of their own mental health state. We want to try to provide the 'Forced into it' reasons. We hope to make this coin worth helping those girls in need. There is amount of IPO for this coin. This amount will be spend on professors to go to schools and talk with young girls why prostitution is wrong and should be avoided if for some reason they are forced into it.