I'm new to Bitcoin but am very impressed already. Keep up the good work.
The new logo looks good and I'm happy to see an SVG version is available. I have a few questions on this by the way in order to save some trouble later on. Some other open source projects are struggling with ugly/old/incorrect logos that are circulating the web. It is very hard to get rid of them. See for example:
https://wordpress.org/about/logos/ https://www.mozilla.com/en-US/press/media/logos/#firefox-common-mistakesAs said earlier, SVG is important for scalability. Suppose the TIME, WIRED or whatever magazine or newspaper would like to do an article on Bitcoin, they would look for the SVG file and reuse it a lot. It would be unfortunate if an incorrect version of the logo got used.
Therefore I would like to request the following issues to be solved:
1) What is going to be the
one and only source file for the logo? Is it going to be bitcoin.svg.zip? Is it 100% compatible with the original PNG?
2) Can the SVG be included in the source file repository?
3) Can someone replace the bitcoin.png with the (correct) bitcoin.svg on Wikipedia? At the moment 8 different articles are using this image, these need to be altered too. Wikipedia will automatically convert .SVG to .PNG when needed.
4) With e.g. Inkscape one can generate all the bitmaps via command line:
inkscape bitcoin.svg -h 16 -w 16 -e bitcoin-16.png
inkscape bitcoin.svg -h 20 -w 20 -e bitcoin-20.png
inkscape bitcoin.svg -h 32 -w 32 -e bitcoin-32.png
inkscape bitcoin.svg -h 48 -w 48 -e bitcoin-48.png
However, this should not be part of the make process but a shell script generate-logos.sh or something could be added to update the PNGs. That would mean the source code repository would hold SVG, PNGs and that script.
5) The whitespace in bitcoin.svg.zip has to be altered by the way. The original PNG is 530x526, so I would suggest to use 530x530 in the SVG to have as minimal as possible whitespace. Equally divide remaining whitespace in 2 pixels at the top and 2 pixels at the bottom.
6) As Bitcoin is gaining momentum, it should be
extremely easy for people and media to find information on logo and artwork. They should not have to dive in the FAQ or forum (they will probably not and use Google images). Could a page called "Artwork" on logos, buttons and artwork be created on the main website and be listed in the main menu? This page could also provide the SVG logo and other artwork such as listed in
http://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1631 (currently this link is listed under the page "Trade")
I really hope these issues can be addressed in order to have Bitcoin's logo portrait in the media as good as possible.