I finally managed to get the openSuse Build Service (OBS) to build working nightly packages of bitcoind (the client without the wx GUI). openSuse and SLE will follow soon.
To install the Ubuntu packages add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/cdecker/xUbuntu_10.04/ ./
Next update:
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install bitcoind
If you get a warning about not being able to verify the validity of the packages, just ignore them, I wasn't able to find the public key yet :-)
Then just create a config file ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf to configure the RPC password:
After this just start the daemon via
and control it using the JSON interface.
I'll be trying to create openSuse and SLE packages too, Debian would be possible too, but compiling wx, boost and libdb sounds a bit excessive to me, anyone interested in helping?