More details please.
Busy with it. It might take a little bit longer than expected. We are currently discussing Local Currency(+digital infrastructure) Adoption with a few Dutch Municipalities. But as its normal with governments... it takes a while for them to make a decision and it takes a lot of talks to convince them.
Fact is that Local Currencies are like cocaine for Local Economies if implemented correctly. Fact is as well, that currently all local currencies are paperforms.
Crypto-Technology makes it much easier and safer to implement local currencies.
Once Again, we only launch this coin if we can convince several local authorities to invest in a local currency system. For each municipality we plan to make a DAC on top of the NIQ-Blockchain.
What can you do?
Show your interest and support is what is already great. We'd love to have a great international community just supporting the idea. It helps convincing governments.
Also, if you are a professional DEV to whom our idea appeals.. feel free to send me a pm, we could use all the help we can get.
What is up with the IPO
It is likely that there will be an IPO for this NIQ. IF there is an IPO the set-up will be like this.
1. Stock Exchange offering of IPO Coins.
2. All the funds that are gained by selling the coin, are put back on the stockexchange at 85% of the IPO price.
3. This way Alle investors only take a risk of max 15% and Everyone has full transparancy over the funds.
Public Tender System (A Coin for Governments, must act like Governments)
1. All expenditures are performed by Public Tenders - Everyone is free to bid on devlivering a certain service.
2. If a Public Tender is over, all bids will be evaluated by a Committee.
3. The results will be made public, the amount BTC to pay for the service will be taken away from the Buy-wall on the exchange.
IPO-Funds(The buy-wall) will be in the hands of Escrows.
** NOTE THAT the information provided above is based or preliminary plans **