1. Imposing a "tax" in an alt chain that regularly reduces the number of coins in an address by a percentage is technically possible, but is effectively the exact same thing as inflation (just adding more coins, making existing coins worth slightly less).
I don't understand this.
2. The problem with trying to make a cryptocurrency to help unemployment or poverty is that you need a way to certify that each person only gets one "share". If you add money to every address, anyone can just generate millions of addresses and get a much larger amount than any honest actors.
You can add millions of addresses, but as long noone wants to send you money, you get nothing.
The holder has to pay, but he gets to decide whom he wants to pay. If he or she chooses none, then the decision will be made by the community.
3. Why do you want no inflation or delfation to occur? Do you understand this means having a fixed number of coins, forever?
Yes! The world would have 1bit Royen coin forever! It will be the total size of the economy forever.
If the world needs two coins, the Royen coin gets split and the world will have two 2bit Royen coins, worth one 1bit Royen coin.
4. It is impossible to know which coins were lost, and which ones are being saved.
Both apply to the same rules. Keep them too long and they will go to the job market. That way, no coins will be lost forever preventing it from being a deflationary currency.
5. People are stupid. "Simple rules that anyone can understand" is an overambitious goal. Not everyone understands cryptographic hashing, so many will not understand your currency, regardless of how simple it is.
True, I however meant, rules that make sense. For example the Occcu, I don't understand the reasoning behind adding 10.000 coins to your wallet. Or why do people get money for simply having lots of GPU?
Or why divding the bitcoins to a quadrillion? I don't consider that readable with the type of numerals we use. It's also psychologicaly unsound for me and I'm sure it will be for others, because if I have to trade
in bitcoins it keeps making me feel I will never have that much money if I spend it.
6. If you "tax" saving, people would just transfer back and forth between two accounts to keep coins "fresh".
Yeah, I immediately thought of that problem too. I'm thinking of a mechanism that if you get caught doing that, you are fined for double and someone else or the community decides who will be employed with that money.
7. If you want to launch your own alt-chain, read and understand the Bitcoin source code.
Yeah, I'm looking at it. Is the Bitcoin's client source code all the source code that's needed?
Thanks for your criticisms.