Are you sure these numbers are correct?
Total Coins 5 Million
MorCoin - 40 Shares = 900880 Coins
Jibble (IPO Investor) - 40 Shares =900880 Coins
Bosman (IPO Investor) - 15 Shares = 337837 Coins
127 Free Participants - 1 Share = 22522 Coins
127 Free participants = 2.8 Million
Rest is 2.2 Million and its like only 3 investors of 0.02 BTC..
Super confused
Ah! I just got a solid email from another participant related to your question. Here is my reply:
No problem, good question
Take 5 million coins..
At the time of that posting, we had issued a total of 222 shares.
Divide 222 by 5 million = 22522 coins per share
Multiply that by 40.. and whalla! 900900 Coins
Your coin allotment will decrease as more investors participate, as well as free shares are issued.
Let me know if you have any more questions! I’m online for the next couple of hours.
MorCoin Dev
The math above in your post technically adds up to 4,999,731. The numbers will firm up when registration closes.
Remember!!! As more participants enter, the number of shares increases. As the number of shares issued increases, the number of coins issued (per share) decreases. The issuance is variable dependant on the number of participants. IPO purchasers can have up to the purchasing power of 40 free accounts. That said, the more people who invest, the "less" valuable each share is worth.
That said... the more widely distributed the coin is... the more valuable it becomes. I'd rather end up with 25k of coins that are heavely distributed than 250k of coins that are lightly distributed.