Due to the spirit of the OP, I may be using less cuss words in this post, for it's no longer officially Bleep Day.
Bleep day is over. I guess I missed my turn at being a fucking foulmouthed cunt.
Goddamnit. And what a cuntlicking cumguzzling cherrypopping shitgagging fecal shower of an opportunity that would have pissed out to be.
Oh well, there's always next fucking leap year to look forward to.
Use your imagination, MnW (he's girlfriend's nickname for him is Minnow). You don't necessary have to wait four years to enjoy Bleep Day some more this year. What if there was a thread entitled
BitcoinTalk Time Capsule: Open on Bleep Day 2016? For the rest of the year, the thread will be populated with Bleep Day gold, then locked at midnight GMT Dec. 31, 2012, only to be unlocked on Bleep Day 2016.
My only request would be that the OP of this thread or Matthew implement it.
Viva el Bleep Day!
(not Bruno Mendes)