Good day to you all,
Here's some info about what's going on with MACDCoin.
Our web developer and server admin is on a business trip to France (and that was the technical issue that resulted with postponing website launch since he was leaving for France on that day, unexpectedly).
We are still working on windows and mac os x wallet versions and we are very close to finishing them (mac os x version is compiled, but we are having problems with one of the dependency libraries probably due to a fact that we are compiling it on hackintosh instead off compiling it on a native mac os x machine. I suspect it's a bug with operating system).
Windows version is a real pain in the ass (excuse me for dirty words), and there is nothing we haven't tried (several PCs, several different versions of windows, compiling on linux using Gitian) and none have worked. But, last night we actually got to the very last step (creating exe file) when we got yet another error. It is quite possible that we will have windows version ready today.
I don't want to get too technical but most problems were caused by strange decisions of the original MACDCoin developer, so we are basically rebuilding everything (cleaning up) with different dependency versions and Qt version.
I am really hoping that this will be over soon so we can actually turn to building the coin ecosystem (exchanges, services, iOS applications...). This has already taken waaaay more time than i ever suspected...
We could ask for help with building the wallets but the problem is that simply - we don't trust anyone, so we will definitely finish this work alone.
We have so many plans, but so little time and so little luck.
For few of you that are still following this coin, we thank you for your support and I hope we will soon have a bit bigger community.
One other thing: as you can see, we are a bit silent and are not announcing anything nor are we spreading the word about website because we want to have everything up and running before we start expanding the community.
Different wallet versions, mobile devices, web applications, social networks, that is huge amount of work and all done by three guys that all have "real life" full time jobs, so please forgive us for things moving so slow.
If anyone has any ideas how they could help, please tell us, we would greatly appreciate any help.
P.S. did anyone tried linux version of the wallet from website?
Also, don't forget to vote