If you are still doing the first 3 free could you please do one for rainbowcoin?
I will add the coin when there is an updated Github repository.
Great, thanks. I messaged the dev of Rainbowcoin and told him he needs to update it. Any particular thing you want added to it?
1. There is no Makefile in the folder src/leveldb, to compile I needed to a Makefile from another coin.
2. The executable is named bitcoind.
3. When I launch the wallet i get the following error:
EXCEPTION: N5boost12interprocess22interprocess_exceptionE
No such file or directory
bitcoin in AppInit()
I needed to create the folder .rainbowcoin manually to get the wallet started.
The folder is needed because it holds your wallet, db and config file.
4. The config file must be named "coin.conf" according to the daemon first start message.
5. It places the folders "db" the config file etc in the root of my home folder, this however may have something to do with point 3.
I really think it will help you coin, if these issues are fixed.