I have only ever deposited GRE on this exchange, it was 1 million to be exact. History shows I sold some 100k or so, along with at least 200 other trades that could not have possibly been generated from my account as I have ever only had GRE on this exchange and these transactions are not only in coins I have never had on there, but are also dated MANY months before my account was even created on this site!!
I have about 750k GRE still in my account, but it shows I only sold around 100K. From these small trades, I have .06 BTC now as well. So ALL I have there is the 750K left in GRE and .06 BTC, BOTH give me errors when trying to withdrawal.
I am cool with technical glitches and think I am very patient guy.......but 4 days of ignoring my attempts to resolve got me pissed! Obviously this is a small amount of money in the end, but the principal of how they are dealing with the issues is HUGE.
If it were my site we'd have had a phone conversation already. Sorry to hear this, it's bad for all of us