hi!When can the encouraging news? I lost a lot of electricity!
Hey folks,
I will have a lot more energy soon to put towards this starting next week. I am working basically 7 days per week on my current job assignment so my progress has been very slow.. but next week the assignment is over so I will have more time to devote to Trinity. We are currently hashing out some details with vendors to work on getting back onto an exchange and to promote some products which should be available for purchase with Trinity once we have some form of redemption available. I highly suggest using this time to mine coins at a low diff as I will be working on developments all next week. I do apologize for the lack of updates but it has been a very tough few months for me and tempers begin to flare. Any devs, PR people, and retail/online store owners please PM me to get involved in the google hangout discussions. Thank you, 5mil
Thank you for giving explanation!I have been kept attention to TTY.Up to now I still believe that TTY is powerful,I believe you!I was a miner, my knowledge is limited.What other things I can't help you busy.I will always support you, until the value TTY.Good luck!