paradigmflux (OP)
July 19, 2014, 03:17:48 PM Last edit: July 19, 2014, 05:06:24 PM by paradigmflux |
Next up, we are going to extend the stats.js file to extend the API to have some new functionality. This is going to be a long post. In the /libs/ directory, rename stats.js entirely to stats.old Open up a new stats.js and paste the following three snippets - modify the SECOND sections. If your target coin is only on mintpal, uncomment the lines calling the mintpal API and fill in your ticker symbol. If your coin is on cryptsy, fill in the appropriate market ID and the Cryptsy ticker symbol. This file will extend your API in a few ways. Most importantly, it will make <your url>/api/payout/<worker name> return the estimated number of coins a worker has earned during the current shift (in the payout coin of your choice). It will also extend the 'my miner' page so that every worker can have a complete list of exactly how many coins of what type they have earned during that current shift. var zlib = require('zlib');
var redis = require('redis'); var async = require('async'); var request = require('request');
var os = require('os');
var algos = require('stratum-pool/lib/algoProperties.js');
module.exports = function(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs){
var _this = this;
var logSystem = 'Stats';
var redisClients = []; var redisStats;
this.statHistory = []; this.statPoolHistory = [];
this.stats = {}; this.statsString = '';
setupStatsRedis(); gatherStatHistory();
var canDoStats = true;
if (!canDoStats) return;
var poolConfig = poolConfigs[coin];
var redisConfig = poolConfig.redis;
for (var i = 0; i < redisClients.length; i++){ var client = redisClients[i]; if (client.client.port === redisConfig.port && ==={ client.coins.push(coin); return; } } redisClients.push({ coins: [coin], client: redis.createClient(redisConfig.port, }); });
function setupStatsRedis(){ redisStats = redis.createClient(portalConfig.redis.port,; redisStats.on('error', function(err){ logger.error(logSystem, 'Historics', 'Redis for stats had an error ' + JSON.stringify(err)); }); }
function gatherStatHistory(){
var retentionTime = ((( / 1000) - | 0).toString();
redisStats.zrangebyscore(['statHistory', retentionTime, '+inf'], function(err, replies){ if (err) { logger.error(logSystem, 'Historics', 'Error when trying to grab historical stats ' + JSON.stringify(err)); return; } for (var i = 0; i < replies.length; i++){ _this.statHistory.push(JSON.parse(replies[i])); } _this.statHistory = _this.statHistory.sort(function(a, b){ return a.time - b.time; }); _this.statHistory.forEach(function(stats){ addStatPoolHistory(stats); }); }); }
function addStatPoolHistory(stats){ var data = { time: stats.time, pools: {} }; for (var pool in stats.pools){ data.pools[pool] = { hashrate: stats.pools[pool].hashrate, workerCount: stats.pools[pool].workerCount, blocks: stats.pools[pool].blocks } } _this.statPoolHistory.push(data); }
this.getCoins = function(cback){ _this.stats.coins = redisClients[0].coins; cback(); };
this.getPayout = function(address, cback){
_this.getBalanceByAddress(address, function(){
callback(null, 'test'); });
function(msg, callback){
var totaltargetcoin = 0;
async.each(_this.stats.balances, function(balance, cb){
_this.getCoinTotals(balance.coin, balance.balance, function(targetcoin){
if(typeof(targetcoin) != "undefined"){ totaltargetcoin += targetcoin; }
cb(); });
}, function(err){ callback(null, totaltargetcoin); }); }
], function(err, total){
}); };
this.getBalanceByAddress = function(address, cback){
var client = redisClients[0].client, coins = redisClients[0].coins, balances = []; payouts = [];
client.hgetall('Payouts:' + address, function(error, txns){ //logger.error(logSystem, 'TEMP', 'txnid variable is:' + txnid);
if (error) { callback ('There was no payouts found'); return; } if(txns === null){ var index = []; } else{ payouts=txns;
async.each(coins, function(coin, cb){
client.hget(coin + ':balances', address, function(error, result){ if (error){ callback('There was an error getting balances'); return; }
if(result === null) { result = 0; }else{ result = result; }
balances.push({ coin:coin, balance:result });
cb(); });
}, function(err){ _this.stats.balances = balances; _this.stats.address = address;
cback(); }); };
this.getCoinTotals = function(coin, balance, cback){ var client = redisClients[0].client, coinData = poolConfigs[coin].coin; logger.error(logSystem, 'TEMP', 'var is' + JSON.stringify(poolConfigs[coin].coin)); //logger.error(logSystem, 'TEMP', 'coinData.ID variable is:' + coinData.ID);
// Get all balances from redis if no balance was provided already function(callback){
if(balance) { callback(null, balance); return; }
client.hgetall(coin + ':balances', function(error, results){ if (error){ callback('There was an error getting balances'); return; }
callback(null, results); }); },
THIS NEXT PART OF THE FILE YOU NEED TO MAKE SOME CHANGES TO - this is a continuation of the file above though // make a call to Mintpal to get targetcoin exchange rate function(balances_results, callback){ var options = { // url:'<TICKER SYMBOL OF YOUR TARGET COIN HERE>/BTC', url:'<CRYPTSY MARKET ID OF YOUR TARGET COIN>', json:true }
request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) { // var targetcoin_price = parseFloat(body[0].last_price); var targetcoin_price = body['return'].markets['<YOUR POS TARGET COIN TICKET SYMBOL HERE>'].lasttradeprice; callback(null, targetcoin_price, balances_results);
} else { callback('There was an error getting mintpal targetcoin exchange rate'); } }); },
The rest of the stats.js is below - just paste all three of these into the same file, remembering in to fill in your info into the second part. // make call to get coin's exchange rate function(targetcoin_price, balances_results, callback){
// logger.error(logSystem, 'TEMP', '#1 ---- coinData.ID variable is:' + coinData.ID);
if(coinData.ID === 'mintpal') {
var optionsB = { url:'' + coinData.symbol + '/BTC', json:true }
request(optionsB, function (error, responseB, bodyB) { if (!error && responseB.statusCode == 200) { var coinB_price = parseFloat(bodyB[0].last_price); logger.error(logSystem, 'TEMP', 'coinB_price variable is:' + coinB_price);
callback(null, targetcoin_price, coinB_price, balances_results);
} else { callback('There was an error getting mintpal exchange rate'); } });
} else if (coinData.ID) {
var options = { url:'' + coinData.ID, json:true }
request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) { var coin_price = body['return'].markets[coinData.symbol].lasttradeprice;
/* if(coin_price.toString().indexOf('-') === -1) { // Good it doesn't have a dash.. no need to convert it to a fixed number } else { var decimal_places = coin_price.toString().split('-')[1]; coin_price = coin_price.toFixed(parseInt(decimal_places)); } */
callback(null, targetcoin_price, coin_price, balances_results);
} else { callback('There was an error getting mintpal targetcoin exchange rate'); } }); } else { callback(null, targetcoin_price, coinData.rate, balances_results); } },
// Calculate the amount of targetcoin earned from the worker's balance function(targetcoin_price, coin_price, balances_results, callback){
if(typeof balances_results !== 'object') { var total_coins = balances_results var bitcoins = parseFloat(total_coins) * coin_price; var balance = (bitcoins / targetcoin_price);
callback(null, balance); return; }
var balances = [];
for(var worker in balances_results){ var total_coins = parseFloat(balances_results[worker]) / 1; var bitcoins = total_coins.toFixed() * coin_price; var balance = (bitcoins / targetcoin_price); balances.push({worker:worker, balance:balance.toFixed( 8 )}); }
callback(null, balances); }
], function(err, balances){
if(balance) { cback(balances); return; }
_this.stats.balances = balances; _this.stats.payout = payouts; //logger.error(logSystem, 'TEMP', '_this.stats right before CB variable is:' + JSON.stringify(_this.stats));
cback(); });
this.getGlobalStats = function(callback){
var statGatherTime = / 1000 | 0;
var allCoinStats = {};
async.each(redisClients, function(client, callback){ var windowTime = ((( / 1000) - | 0).toString(); var redisCommands = [];
var redisCommandTemplates = [ ['zremrangebyscore', ':hashrate', '-inf', '(' + windowTime], ['zrangebyscore', ':hashrate', windowTime, '+inf'], ['hgetall', ':stats'], ['scard', ':blocksPending'], ['scard', ':blocksConfirmed'], ['scard', ':blocksOrphaned'] ];
var commandsPerCoin = redisCommandTemplates.length;{{ var clonedTemplates = t.slice(0); clonedTemplates[1] = coin + clonedTemplates[1]; redisCommands.push(clonedTemplates); }); });
client.client.multi(redisCommands).exec(function(err, replies){ if (err){ logger.error(logSystem, 'Global', 'error with getting global stats ' + JSON.stringify(err)); callback(err); } else{ for(var i = 0; i < replies.length; i += commandsPerCoin){ var coinName = client.coins[i / commandsPerCoin | 0]; var coinStats = { name: coinName, symbol: poolConfigs[coinName].coin.symbol.toUpperCase(), algorithm: poolConfigs[coinName].coin.algorithm, hashrates: replies[i + 1], poolStats: { validShares: replies[i + 2] ? (replies[i + 2].validShares || 0) : 0, validBlocks: replies[i + 2] ? (replies[i + 2].validBlocks || 0) : 0, invalidShares: replies[i + 2] ? (replies[i + 2].invalidShares || 0) : 0, totalPaid: replies[i + 2] ? (replies[i + 2].totalPaid || 0) : 0 }, blocks: { pending: replies[i + 3], confirmed: replies[i + 4], orphaned: replies[i + 5] } }; allCoinStats[] = (coinStats); } callback(); } }); }, function(err){ if (err){ logger.error(logSystem, 'Global', 'error getting all stats' + JSON.stringify(err)); callback(); return; }
var portalStats = { time: statGatherTime, global:{ workers: 0, hashrate: 0 }, algos: {}, pools: allCoinStats };
Object.keys(allCoinStats).forEach(function(coin){ var coinStats = allCoinStats[coin]; coinStats.workers = {}; coinStats.shares = 0; coinStats.hashrates.forEach(function(ins){ var parts = ins.split(':'); var workerShares = parseFloat(parts[0]); var worker = parts[1]; if (workerShares > 0) { coinStats.shares += workerShares; if (worker in coinStats.workers) coinStats.workers[worker].shares += workerShares; else coinStats.workers[worker] = { shares: workerShares, invalidshares: 0, hashrateString: null }; } else { if (worker in coinStats.workers) coinStats.workers[worker].invalidshares -= workerShares; // workerShares is negative number! else coinStats.workers[worker] = { shares: 0, invalidshares: -workerShares, hashrateString: null }; } });
var shareMultiplier = Math.pow(2, 32) / algos[coinStats.algorithm].multiplier; coinStats.hashrate = shareMultiplier * coinStats.shares /;
coinStats.workerCount = Object.keys(coinStats.workers).length; += coinStats.workerCount;
/* algorithm specific global stats */ var algo = coinStats.algorithm; if (!portalStats.algos.hasOwnProperty(algo)){ portalStats.algos[algo] = { workers: 0, hashrate: 0, hashrateString: null }; } portalStats.algos[algo].hashrate += coinStats.hashrate; portalStats.algos[algo].workers += Object.keys(coinStats.workers).length;
for (var worker in coinStats.workers) { coinStats.workers[worker].hashrateString = _this.getReadableHashRateString(shareMultiplier * coinStats.workers[worker].shares /; }
delete coinStats.hashrates; delete coinStats.shares; coinStats.hashrateString = _this.getReadableHashRateString(coinStats.hashrate); });
Object.keys(portalStats.algos).forEach(function(algo){ var algoStats = portalStats.algos[algo]; algoStats.hashrateString = _this.getReadableHashRateString(algoStats.hashrate); });
_this.stats = portalStats; _this.statsString = JSON.stringify(portalStats);
_this.statHistory.push(portalStats); addStatPoolHistory(portalStats);
var retentionTime = ((( / 1000) - | 0);
for (var i = 0; i < _this.statHistory.length; i++){ if (retentionTime < _this.statHistory[i].time){ if (i > 0) { _this.statHistory = _this.statHistory.slice(i); _this.statPoolHistory = _this.statPoolHistory.slice(i); } break; } }
redisStats.multi([ ['zadd', 'statHistory', statGatherTime, _this.statsString], ['zremrangebyscore', 'statHistory', '-inf', '(' + retentionTime] ]).exec(function(err, replies){ if (err) logger.error(logSystem, 'Historics', 'Error adding stats to historics ' + JSON.stringify(err)); }); callback(); });
this.getReadableHashRateString = function(hashrate){ var i = -1; var byteUnits = [ ' KH', ' MH', ' GH', ' TH', ' PH' ]; do { hashrate = hashrate / 1024; i++; } while (hashrate > 1024); return hashrate.toFixed(2) + byteUnits[i]; };
}; [/code
Delete the stock website.js file as well, make a new one: [code]
var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path');
var async = require('async'); var watch = require('node-watch'); var redis = require('redis');
var dot = require('dot'); var express = require('express'); var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); var compress = require('compression');
var Stratum = require('stratum-pool'); var util = require('stratum-pool/lib/util.js');
var api = require('./api.js');
module.exports = function(logger){
dot.templateSettings.strip = false;
var portalConfig = JSON.parse(process.env.portalConfig); var poolConfigs = JSON.parse(process.env.pools);
var websiteConfig =;
var portalApi = new api(logger, portalConfig, poolConfigs); var portalStats = portalApi.stats;
var logSystem = 'Website';
var pageFiles = { 'index.html': 'index', 'home.html': '', 'tbs.html': 'tbs', 'workers.html': 'workers', 'api.html': 'api', 'admin.html': 'admin', 'mining_key.html': 'mining_key', 'miner.html': 'miner', 'miner_stats.html': 'miner_stats', 'user_shares.html': 'user_shares', 'getting_started.html': 'getting_started' };
var pageTemplates = {};
var pageProcessed = {}; var indexesProcessed = {};
var keyScriptTemplate = ''; var keyScriptProcessed = '';
var processTemplates = function(){
for (var pageName in pageTemplates){ if (pageName === 'index') continue; pageProcessed[pageName] = pageTemplates[pageName]({ poolsConfigs: poolConfigs, stats: portalStats.stats, portalConfig: portalConfig }); indexesProcessed[pageName] = pageTemplates.index({ page: pageProcessed[pageName], selected: pageName, stats: portalStats.stats, poolConfigs: poolConfigs, portalConfig: portalConfig }); }
//logger.debug(logSystem, 'Stats', 'Website updated to latest stats'); };
var readPageFiles = function(files){ async.each(files, function(fileName, callback){ var filePath = 'website/' + (fileName === 'index.html' ? '' : 'pages/') + fileName; fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8', function(err, data){ var pTemp = dot.template(data); pageTemplates[pageFiles[fileName]] = pTemp callback(); }); }, function(err){ if (err){ console.log('error reading files for creating dot templates: '+ JSON.stringify(err)); return; } processTemplates(); }); };
//If an html file was changed reload it watch('website', function(filename){ var basename = path.basename(filename); if (basename in pageFiles){ console.log(filename); readPageFiles([basename]); logger.debug(logSystem, 'Server', 'Reloaded file ' + basename); } });
portalStats.getGlobalStats(function(){ readPageFiles(Object.keys(pageFiles)); });
var buildUpdatedWebsite = function(){ portalStats.getGlobalStats(function(){ processTemplates();
var statData = 'data: ' + JSON.stringify(portalStats.stats) + '\n\n'; for (var uid in portalApi.liveStatConnections){ var res = portalApi.liveStatConnections[uid]; res.write(statData); }
}); };
setInterval(buildUpdatedWebsite, websiteConfig.stats.updateInterval * 1000);
var buildKeyScriptPage = function(){ async.waterfall([ function(callback){ var client = redis.createClient(portalConfig.redis.port,; client.hgetall('coinVersionBytes', function(err, coinBytes){ if (err){ client.quit(); return callback('Failed grabbing coin version bytes from redis ' + JSON.stringify(err)); } callback(null, client, coinBytes || {}); }); }, function (client, coinBytes, callback){ var enabledCoins = Object.keys(poolConfigs).map(function(c){return c.toLowerCase()}); var missingCoins = []; enabledCoins.forEach(function(c){ if (!(c in coinBytes)) missingCoins.push(c); }); callback(null, client, coinBytes, missingCoins); }, function(client, coinBytes, missingCoins, callback){ var coinsForRedis = {}; async.each(missingCoins, function(c, cback){ var coinInfo = (function(){ for (var pName in poolConfigs){ if (pName.toLowerCase() === c) return { daemon: poolConfigs[pName].paymentProcessing.daemon, address: poolConfigs[pName].address } } })(); var daemon = new Stratum.daemon.interface([coinInfo.daemon], function(severity, message){ logger[severity](logSystem, c, message); }); daemon.cmd('dumpprivkey', [coinInfo.address], function(result){ if (result[0].error){ logger.error(logSystem, c, 'Could not dumpprivkey for ' + c + ' ' + JSON.stringify(result[0].error)); cback(); return; }
var vBytePub = util.getVersionByte(coinInfo.address)[0]; var vBytePriv = util.getVersionByte(result[0].response)[0];
coinBytes[c] = vBytePub.toString() + ',' + vBytePriv.toString(); coinsForRedis[c] = coinBytes[c]; cback(); }); }, function(err){ callback(null, client, coinBytes, coinsForRedis); }); }, function(client, coinBytes, coinsForRedis, callback){ if (Object.keys(coinsForRedis).length > 0){ client.hmset('coinVersionBytes', coinsForRedis, function(err){ if (err) logger.error(logSystem, 'Init', 'Failed inserting coin byte version into redis ' + JSON.stringify(err)); client.quit(); }); } else{ client.quit(); } callback(null, coinBytes); } ], function(err, coinBytes){ if (err){ logger.error(logSystem, 'Init', err); return; } try{ keyScriptTemplate = dot.template(fs.readFileSync('website/key.html', {encoding: 'utf8'})); keyScriptProcessed = keyScriptTemplate({coins: coinBytes}); } catch(e){ logger.error(logSystem, 'Init', 'Failed to read key.html file'); } });
}; buildKeyScriptPage();
var getPage = function(pageId){ if (pageId in pageProcessed){ var requestedPage = pageProcessed[pageId]; return requestedPage; } };
var minerpage = function(req, res, next){ var address = req.params.address || null;
if (address != null){ portalStats.getBalanceByAddress(address, function(){ processTemplates();
}); } else next(); };
var payout = function(req, res, next){ var address = req.params.address || null;
if (address != null){ portalStats.getPayout(address, function(data){ res.write(data.toString()); res.end(); }); } else next(); };
var shares = function(req, res, next){ portalStats.getCoins(function(){ processTemplates();
}); };
var usershares = function(req, res, next){
var coin = req.params.coin || null;
if(coin != null){ portalStats.getCoinTotals(coin, null, function(){ processTemplates();
}); } else next(); };
var route = function(req, res, next){ var pageId = || ''; if (pageId in indexesProcessed){ res.header('Content-Type', 'text/html'); res.end(indexesProcessed[pageId]); } else next();
var app = express();
app.get('/get_page', function(req, res, next){ var requestedPage = getPage(; if (requestedPage){ res.end(requestedPage); return; } next(); });
app.get('/key.html', function(req, res, next){ res.end(keyScriptProcessed); });
app.get('/stats/shares/:coin', usershares); app.get('/stats/shares', shares); app.get('/miner/:address', minerpage); app.get('/payout/:address', payout);
app.get('/:page', route); app.get('/', route);
app.get('/api/:method', function(req, res, next){ portalApi.handleApiRequest(req, res, next); });'/api/admin/:method', function(req, res, next){ if ( && &&{ if ( === req.body.password) portalApi.handleAdminApiRequest(req, res, next); else res.send(401, JSON.stringify({error: 'Incorrect Password'}));
} else next();
app.use(compress()); app.use('/static', express.static('website/static'));
app.use(function(err, req, res, next){ console.error(err.stack); res.send(500, 'Something broke!'); });
try { app.listen(,, function () { logger.debug(logSystem, 'Server', 'Website started on ' + + ':' +; }); } catch(e){ logger.error(logSystem, 'Server', 'Could not start website on ' + + ':' + + ' - its either in use or you do not have permission'); }
Then inside the <nomp instal>/website/pages folder create two new files.. Three actually. First while in the <nomp install>/website/pages type 'touch user_shares.html' just to create the file so NOMP won't puke for now. Open a new file named miner.html: <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-2"> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <p class="lead">Enter Your <YOUR COIN> Wallet address</p> <div class="input-group"> <input type="text" class="form-control input-lg"> <span class="input-group-btn"> <button class="btn btn-default btn-lg" type="button">Go!</button> </span> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-4"></div> </div> <!--- end row --!>
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){
$('.btn-lg').click(function(){ window.location = "miner/" + $('.input-lg').val(); }); }); </script>