Looks solid.
Hopefully you'll launch with pools and not more of this instamine stuff that's been happening tonight.
All pools will be welcome.
launch should happen tomorrow sometime, can't promise anything though.
ps. don't get too excited. I don't expect anything spectacular will come of this, but who knows?
pps. I happen to be around on irc a lot and frequent this forum quite a bit so I won't just disappear (I hope)
ppps. I'll
try to at least have a mac wallet ready and a linux qt if you really want, but you'll need to install the dependancies (for linux) yourself
but this newer code base has been giving my setup a couple problems. As for a windows wallet... I spent the better part of 8 hours trying to setup a working build environment in a windows VM. All I accomplished was a getting a stern reminder of why I stopped using that OS :/