Some vps Howto? I want mine it on my debian vps
Are there CPU Miner or i have to use solomining
You will need to use solo-mining with spreadcoin daemon. To get your mined coins you will need then either download wallet.dat or send coins to your wallet using command-line. Currently there is no way to mine running network node on one computer and miner on the other.
Here are instructions how to run solo-miner in case you don't know.
Set user and password in ~/.spreadcoin/spreadcoin.conf
Launch spreadcoind daemon.
Then you can start mining using the following command:
spreadcoind -rpcuser=user -rpcpassword=pass setgenerate true
and stop using:
spreadcoind -rpcuser=user -rpcpassword=pass setgenerate false
If your wallet is password protected you will need to unlock it using walletpassphrase command.