Hello Everyone welcome to the ideopass treasure hunt !Special hunt ! For the 10th treasure hunt it's a special hunt
https://blockchain.info/address/1DBvYGrVH5NAFHuboaMo8rPygskNiw1B9fprivate key
To find where I've hidden the treasure you need to ask a question that I'll answer with a yes/no or "I don't know"
I will answer question on this topic and also and mainly on twitter.
The question should take this format
@ideopass #ideohunt is the chest hidden in Los Angeles ?
Twitter ideopassThe game master (me) choses if we wants to answer a question or not.
Don't flood with questions a user can ask only one question on the forum and one on twitter until he gets an answer.
If the game master favorite a tweet without replying to it this mean you can ask an new question.
Special powerPlayer on the leaderboard that reached the level 2 or more
Jaaawsh Level 3 : Hunter dalek Level 3 : Hunter shorena Level 2 : Novice hunter kingcolex Level 2 : Novice hunter UserRandom Level 2 : Novice hunter bitcoininformation Level 2 : Novice hunter micaman Level 2 : Novice hunter
have a special power level they can ask one and only one question on twitter with private DM
Players on level 3 can ask 2 questions privately.
Ask me to follow you on this topic.
That's all good luck for this hunt