Explodicile, what exactly is a direct democracy, and how is it implemented in California? Whenever state politics come up, California is always (in my mind) the worst example of a working state government.
And I don't see why a majority-rule democracy wouldn't just tax the **** out of the top 10%? Or 49%, for that matter? I've never thought that a true democracy was a good idea...
I'd loosely define a DD as one in which the populace has direct initiative and referendum power. So even though California is a hybrid system, IMHO it still counts.
But part of the reason it doesn't work so well (yet! yet!
) is because the majority isn't terribly well informed. For example, I recently refused to sign a recent petition for an inititative that would raise income taxes on people who make over $250,000. I think most folks don't consider deadweight losses, the race to the bottom, and other econ basics that tell us that the rich aren't just a magical source of infinite free money. We're shooting OURSELVES in the foot by telling them not to work here, even counting the tax revenue... a rational direct democracy would support efficient taxes like pigovian, land, and pollution taxes. That's part of the reason I advocate voting reform - in spirit the system is less unjust than representative democracy, but in practice has almost as many bugs to work out as anarchy.
Sometimes I feel like an anarchist living in Somalia, and everyone keeps reminding me about the crime.
You pointed out exactly why I think a republic is better than a democracy: because the majority public is largely uninformed and stupid. Like I said, the majority would vote to raise taxes on those with high incomes, because they want to lower inequality (or whatever other lame reason they choose). Electing officials who are well educated and experienced, who know what laws to make that will benefit society as a whole, is the better route to go.
But, obviously, corruption comes in to play in a republican government, and that is exactly what we see today...
There's certainly no easy solution.