Introducing The Bitcube Project. A unique and cost effective way to advertise Bitcoin.
The Bitcube -"The Bitcube is a members cube which also contains 10,000 Bitcoins !
As the Bitcube's value increases over time so will the 'real world' value and merchantability of the 10,000 Bitcoins it stores.
When the Bitcube is eventually sold on the website it's new owner will also receive the 10,000 Bitcoins." ( Cube ID 9481 )"Cheap Internet Marketing with a Cube! Unique internet marketing concept for advertisers to promote their websites and campaigns online. Includes competitive affiliate program for affiliates."
The Bitcube Project Aims and ObjectivesTo advertise Bitcoin in a unique and cost effective way. Quickly increasing the 'real world' value and merchantability of Bitcoins for Bitcoin software users.
To increase the 'cube' value by at least £5 to £10 daily and to not sell the Bitcube for less than £100+
To reach the 1st page within 6 months and become one of the top 10 cubes within 1 to 2 years.
To get more than 100+ 'hits' a day, using other manual traffic exchanges and achieve a massive affiliate 'downline'. ( This will increase the value of the cube more quickly, whilst advertising Bitcoin to a target audience i.e. internet users familiar with e-currencies etc. )
P.S. If you know someone who might like to use to advertise please ask them to use our referral link, as this will help all 'projects' involved.
Referral Link: you.
Additional:To make the project 'open source'.
To move the Bitcube to it's own dedicated server, which generates additional Bitcoins 24/7 running the Bitcoin software, adding them automatically to the Bitcube's total.
To add a 'vault' style '3 digit' interactive 'guessing' game to the homepage. 50% of the 'nodes' generated bitcoins would be automatically added to the 'prize' pool. 'Players' would register to play using a valid Bitcoin address and 'win' the prize pool, which would then be automatically sent to their Bitcoin address and re-set to 0 before more Bitcoins are generated and added. ( This will encourage people to download and try the Bitcoin software, who otherwise might not do so. ) The other 50% generated would be automatically added to the existing 10,000+ Bitcoins.
To try and ensure that the Bitcube's new owner, when it's eventually sold, has a valid and intended use for the 10,000+ Bitcoins, so that they are not 'wasted'. The higher price of The Bitcube on should help to ensure this also.
I welcome your comments, suggestions and help with The Bitcube Project. You gotta think outside the box on this one... ( well, cube ! ) lol
Thanks again.