Problems seems to hunt us again. Your shipment has been stopped at customs because it was shipped without the purchase receipt. I have been contacted by FedEx and they have told me that the shipment cannot go by the customs without the proper purchasing receipt attached, and they claim to have tried to contact you several times this week about this without answer, they've left you a voice mail message.
I have also tried to call you, without response. And I have emailed you, without response.
FedEx is shipping the package back to you tomorrow, unless you provide them with the purchase receipt today. I tried to send them a receipt but mine was no good, they need yours, which should have been attached in the package.
Tomorrow is the end date for FedEx, so I urge you to solve this problem. If not, you'll have to pay the return of the package to FedEx and ship it properly again, incurring in paying three shipments instead of one. It is in your best interest to send them the receipt as soon as possible.
The package has been retained in customs all week BTW.
Shoot me an email: Jon [at] Coinabul.com ASAP. Put CUSTOMS ASAP in the title, I'll handle it as soon as it comes in.