I recently got 3 BFL singles. One of them seems to be a slacker. I use cgminer 2.3.1 and two of them report an average Mh/s of ~810, while the slacker reports 629 Mh/s. This shows in the # of shares submitted. The normal ones are approaching 8000 and the slacker just hit 5400. The light flashes on this one quite often. To be fair, I live in southern Arizona and temps are in the high 90's already. Last night before I went to bed, I reset cgminer thinking it was just perhaps the day temps causing issues. Well all the number above came from that run over night. Should I send it back?
The blinking front LED means it is throttling due to overtemperature. What temperature is cgminer reporting for that Single?
As rjk pointed out, 90F ambient is pretty high. I'm running a bunch at 80F ambient without issue, but found they have around 10-15F headroom before throttling. So your observation does not surprise me from what I know of their characteristics.
But you did say it exhibits similar behavior when your house is at 70 ... that is not normal. You should contact BFL about a replacement.