You think incorrectly. Whenever you trade one kind of property for another property this transaction is considered to be a barter transaction. The IRS has actually already rules on this matter as they have said that you must pay taxes on any gains (or take deductions on any losses) of your bitcoin based on the fair market value of the goods/services/property that you trade your bitcoin for.
The tax code is very complicated, however this portion is not. If this is too complicated for you then I would suggest hiring a qualified tax professional to prepare your taxes for you next spring.
According to your logic if anyone sells their bitcoins they are required to pay taxes. Now that person immediately buys as many bitcoins as possible for the remaining money after paying taxes. Bitcoin rises a bit and the selling/rebuying repeats. By doing this the person loses a lot more money than by simply waiting and holding.
This gives us a system that is retarded. It discourages an individual from diversifying their investments. However, was that individual a company, I am god damn sure no income tax is required for diversifying the original investment. Which brings me to the conclusion that one should create a dummy company and do all the diversifications under the name of that company. The income tax is only paid on the wealth you take out from that company and declare as profit.
Simple proof of that retarded income tax friction:
I have 1 bitcoin worth of 1$ that I got for free.
Bitcoin rises to 10$ -> I have 1 bitcoin worth of 10$.
I sell 1 bitcoin and get 10$. 2$ (20%) goes away as income tax. 8$ remains to me.
I buy bitcoins for all my money. I get 0.8 bitcoins for the 8$.
Bitcoin rises to 100$ -> I have 0.8 bitcoins worth of 80$.
I sell 0.8 bitcoins and get 80$. 80 - 8 = 72. 20% of 72 is 14.4$ which goes for taxes. 65.6$ remains to me.
I buy bitcoins for all my money. I get 0.656 bitcoins for the 65.6$.
Bitcoin rises to 1000$ -> I have 0.656 bitcoins worth of 656$.
I sell 0.656 bitcoins and get 656$. 656 - 65.6 = 590.4. 20% of 590.4 is 118.08$ which goes for taxes. 537.92$ remains.
However, if I just waited and held my 1 bitcoin until it was worth 1000$, then 20% income tax would be just 200$ and I would have 800$ remaining.
262.08$ were stolen by the taxman as a result of a moronic taxation system.Any comments, anyone?