Hi all,
here are the promised details
ATOMIC testing begins 5/25/15
Once again I need your help, this time it's with testing ATOMIC.
Many of you have waited patiently as we work towards the goal we all share in this community.
It's time for us to stop dealing with shady practices, and allow for free exchange regardless of any opinions - free from manipulation and transparently backed by the blockchain technology we have built upon.
I have created an outline of the order that we will enable features and what our goals for testing said features are.
We are going to start out with a minimal feature set for a few days to make sure that nobody has any problems actually launching ATOMIC-Qt and getting connected to the network.
Once we are finished with that, we will begin the test seperated in four phases described below under "Release Schedule".
Although these four componenents outlined will be released sequentially, other features of ATOMIC will trickle into the testing release from our development branch as they become availiable/complete.
Everybody who has contacted me will be receiving their password for the download page right now.
Release Schedule:
We have split ATOMIC into four core components which will be enabled and tested independently.
Once we finish testing all four components, we release the software to the public.
1: MultSig / Escrow
2: AtomicP2Pool, our fork based on p2pool modified for ATOMIC
3: Ledger Maintainer (POE, POG)
4: Ledger
Round 1 [ Multi-Sig / Escrow ]
[] Perform a large number of automated multisig transactions
[] Perform a large number of human multisig transactions
Round 2 [ AtomicP2Pool ]
[] Verify that localization of p2pnodes reduces errors caused by a slowcd connection to a remote p2pool server (the best I can do here is slow down my own connection artificially)
[] Verify equality of subsidy distribution
Round 3 [ Ledger Maintainer ]
[] Generate a large number of blocks
[] Acheive a global efficiency greater than 90%, my testing network has been at a solid 99% with nodes in the USA, Netherlands and Singapore after a bit of modification.
[] Make sure that nobody has issues with instability while the maintainer runs
Round 4 [ Ledger ]
[] Perform a large number of human and automated exchanges
Downloads availiable for testing:
We have official support for the following platforms, this is for testing only and more may be included later.
Linux (One release works for all)
Light Wallets (Android, iOS, Windows) + all supported desktop platforms
The primary interface for customers and platforms where a full node cannot be run.
Currently in the final stages of devlopment, will be released during testing of ATOMIC.