I was pondering bitcoin as a religion for the lulz and benefits although I relise that would not favour it with many people.
No thank you, I don't need that kind of lulz and your damn right most of us wont like your idea.
In their deliberations, Wilson and Deane JJ held that the following principles could be used as indicators in determining whether a collection of ideas and practices constitute a religion:
• the ideas and practices involve belief in the supernatural; Satoshi is a supernatural being
• the ideas relate to people’s nature and place in the universe and their relation to things supernatural; Tied in with the above
BS, he is just a person who I'm 100% makes mistakes and is wrong about some things just like the rest of us.
• the ideas are accepted by adherents as requiring or encouraging them to observe particular standards or codes of conduct or to participate in specific practices having supernatural significance;Thou shalt not mess with the blockchain given to us by The Lord Satoshi
News flash, we already did that.
• the adherents must constitute an identifiable group or identifiable groups; Already done
Already done? Really?
• the adherents themselves see the collection of ideas and/or practices as constituting a religion.
In Satoshi we trust and the blockchain is incorruptable
I don't trust Satoshi, I don't trust anyone beyond the areas for which they give me evidence I can base my trust on. When it comes to Bitcoin I don't trust anyone, I trust the open source code and what it's suppose to do which btw is not fixed and not incorruptible.
• the acceptance of canons of conduct in order to give effect to that belief. The Code never lies, Satoshi will come again
I'm strongly against elevating any person no matter how smart they are or what huge amount of good they've done, they aren't infallible and shouldn't be treated as such. Period.