Name to random address resolution (pay-to address anonymity)Bitcoins/Altcoins -- "Send coins to BZuh2LnvFazZUoGPK6ogfVpssQhwfUhqkU -- all transactions to the address are known"BIGcoin -- "Send coins to -- But the underlying address the coins are sent to is not know -- transactions cant be tracked!"BIGcoin allows a receiver to specify multiple addresses for a single name; and off all those addresses one will be randomly chosen.
This allows a receiver to distribute his/her wealth to prevent someone finding out his/her total balance.
Still better, the receiver can change his/her BIGcoin address for every query and have a TTL value of 0 for the DNS response packets. This allows the receiver to to hide his/her receiving address. This is not something that Coinjoin (Darkcoin), ring signatures (Bytecoin, Monero) take care of, i.e.once you know the ownership of an address, you can trace how much money was transfered to it. But if you've used an underlying DNS resolution like with BIGcoin, the money sent to someone cannot be determined; neither can the ownership.
Apart from this, it improves security also. You can regularly move these receiving addresses to a offline cold wallet since you wont be receiving payments to the old addresses now (because the address that the name resolves to has now changed).
Now on how to get such an address.
This --
BIGcoin:<your address>;
Is called an 'address block'; you may specify multiple addresses in the following format --
BIGcoin:<your address>:<your address>:<your address>:<your address>:<your address>;
Remember to add the semicolon towards the end.
Each address block in a single TXT record is parsed; if there are multiple TXT records, all are parsed for every address block and added to a pool of possible addresses, after which one of the address is used.