Looks good
My ID : orryde
Send Good Game and Good Lucky
id: kenshi
Send Good Game and Good Lucky
id: louise
Sorry I did not find the User, please check if you do change nick user? or typo. Please send the correct so I can send the bonus. Thank you
I made a deposit and it didn't show up. The deposit's been confirmed. What's going on?
I tried e-mailing
support@dicecoin.io (even though the site is bitcoindice.io, that's what it says in contact) and got a mailerdaemon error.
Dear Player, excuse us for the inconvenience! occurred During the installation of our system of investment, this led to delays in communication between our server and blockchain., this time all players have received your return transactions, including bonus of 10% for these users. asked again apologize for the delay in return, and we ask that you check again if you have not received, please contact us.
support@bitcoindice.ioThank you for the bug report on our contact page, unfortunately a typo caused this, has already been corrected,
I got your contact and returned already your e-mail, thank you so much for your compreesão because our system is in beta, but we're working on improvements steady hand.
team BitcoinDice.io
It seems that there is no client seed in there, so I can only verify the bet results and not affect them, am I right?
You are correct, the last 25 bets of all clients are open, you do not affect. however we had on our first day of inalguração a large amount of access I believe the schedule in which you access our site do not have players, this may be due to your time zone, but our marketing team is working tirelessly to win new customers, to be working fairly, and honestly believe that soon our dice are always full. Thank you for your visit and opinion is always valuable to us.
team BitcoinDice.io