HYPERfuture (OP)
May 25, 2014, 02:50:30 PM Last edit: April 13, 2016, 11:15:31 PM by HYPERfuture |
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HYPER was recently featured on CNBC.com: http://www.cnbc.com/id/102660930 and also on Crowdfundinsider.com, one of the most popular crowdfunding sites in the industry: http://www.crowdfundinsider.com/2015/05/67507-bitcoin-alternative-hyper-teams-up-with-goldpieces-to-sponsor-digital-currency-crowdfunding-platform-picisi-launches-worldwide-crypto-gaming-network/USE THE BOOTSTRAP AND LATEST WALLET VERSION WHEN YOU FIRST INSTALL THE HYPER WALLET FOR A MUCH SMOOTHER EXPERIENCE: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=624651.msg11360653#msg11360653HYPER is now also sponsoring the development of retro adventure game Troll Song. The full game will be a commercial release with five "Verses", the first of which has recently been released as freeware to help advertise the game: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=624651.msg10338455#msg10338455Come join the HYPER Twitch stream and get FREE HYPER just for watching! Supports betting, tipping, streaming of live matches where people are playing for HYPER and more: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=624651.msg10976648#msg10976648WIN and spend HYPER playing Poker, CS:GO, TF2, Rust, EVE Online, Minecraft, StarMade, Assetto Corsa Racing, Paperboy, Tilt, Snowball, Dice and more: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=624651.msg10969228#msg10969228 Also check the HYPER Wiki for all the latest info: http://hypercrypto.com/wikiIn partnership with Coin2, HYPER has a web wallet with API for developers to integrate HYPER and C2 into their games easily. More info: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1006811.msg10926169#msg10926169USE the bootstrap when you first install the HYPER wallet for much faster blockchain downloading! Full instructions: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=624651.msg11360653#msg11360653Watch the HYPER intro video on youtube see why we are the disruptive gaming crypto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMTt3zAJgpgBuy HYPER on Bittrex: https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-HYPERHYPER Poker is LIVE. Instant deposits and withdrawals with HYPER start playing HYPER poker at http://poker.microngaming.com/ and http://hyperpoker.orgNew HYPER website at http://hypercrypto.com is up. Video tutorial on how you can start Tipping HYPER, and other coins using Whitepuma.net http://youtu.be/md2o-mwcEI8How to accept HYPER donations on your site, accept HYPER as a merchant with WP plugins and shopping cart integration and more: http://hypercrypto.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page#How_To_Integrate_HYPER_Into_Your_Shopping_Cart_.2F_Cryptocurrency_Service_AutomaticallyTutorial video explaining how to win HYPER playing many popular games online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5eVOq-XWuw
Follow HYPER and the HYPER Federation on twitter for breaking HYPER news and comps: http://twitter.com/hypercrypto http://twitter.com/hyperfed
HYPER is now on http://coinpayments.net and is accepted by over 9000 merchants worldwide. Anyone can now easily accept HYPER in their online store with Coinpayments too.
Tip HYPER across ALL social media we have just been added to Whitepuma http://www.whitepuma.net/unidash/ check it out and start tipping
HYPER twitter RT competitions: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=624651.msg10007370#msg10007370 |  | ... |  |
More coming soon! . .. |  .
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| | Get some HYPER for any kind of online game / service which uses HYPER (e.g dice game, merchant accepting payments, etc).
Contact us if you want to integrate HYPER into your online MMO / game/ service / merchant site.
Get HYPER for articles written on cryptocurrency / Bitcoin news sites! People are mining all the HYPER they can instead of spreading the word. | . | 100% Proof of Stake (PoS) 5% per month, compounding and added daily
Block Time 30 seconds
Block Rewards 72.5 HYPER
RPC Port 27554 | | Cryptographic Algorithm Scrypt
Difficulty Retarget 10 minutes
Confirmations 100 for mined blocks and 3 for valid transactions. |
HYPER wallet includes coin control for serious staking.
PoW/PoS - FINISHED This phase is for PoW and will also include 5% monthly interest for holders compounding daily (will last approx 2 weeks).
PoS Stage 1 - CURRENT STAGE 5% monthly interest, applied and compounding daily (will last approx 5 years).
PoS Stage 2 10% annual interest, applied and compounding daily (will last approx another 5 years).
PoS Stage 3 2% annual interest, applied and compounding daily (will last forever). . |  | | HYPER now has a multipool over at http://coinking.io just register on the site and then you can mine HYPER with SHA-256, Scrypt, X11 and more! Put those old Bitcoin miners to good use. Coinking.io are a reputable multipool that WILL payout and we're really grateful for the support.
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BUY HYPER WITH USD ON COMKORT: https://comkort.com/trade/hyper_usd Instructions on how to buy HYPER with USD: http://hypercrypto.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page#How_To_Buy_HYPER_With_USD
And many more exchanges coming soon! . | BITCOINSHOPBitcoinshop sells Bitcoin miners, computers, phones and all kinds of stuff. 7% discount to HYPER customers! | | BRIEHOST.COMbriehost.com accepts HYPER for any and all hosting products. They offer first 3 months FREE for HYPER customers
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| COINPAYMENTSHYPER is now on Coinpayments and is accepted by over 9000 merchants worldwide. Anyone can now easily accept HYPER in their online store with Coinpayments! | | CRYPTOMERCADO!Buy Stakebox dedicated HYPER staking machine, coffee and much more with HYPER!! | |
server=1 listen=1 rpcuser=user rpcpassword=pass rpcport=27554 addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= addnode= HYPER had a 2.5% (1.5 million coins) premine to fund market stabilization fund, space-based MMO which will use HYPER as game currency and also to fund marketing, games, services and much more. Over two thirds of the pre-mine has already been distributed through bounties and giveaways for key HYPER projects. 400K HYPER MMO Development Fund.Current manager / escrow: psybits (respected member of the Bitcoin community) https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=75383Established with 400,000 Hyper at this address: https://chainz.cryptoid.info/hyper/wallet.dws?25030.htmDeductions from the MMO Development fund will only take place to pay people who are contributing to the objectives of the fund. Staked funds from the 400 000 HYPER MMO Development Fund are used to fund HYPER infrastructure, game servers, wallet development, marketing, competitions, gaming events, and more. 20K HYPER per month is staked and spent on HYPER gaming competitions and server running costs. Latest update on HYPER development funds: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=624651.msg9953367#msg9953367 The wallet will be opened daily when possible, so coins can compound increasing the value of the funds. |  |
GO TO ---> http://hypercrypto.com <--- TO LEARN MORE
HYPER has an official twitch stream where you can get free HYPER just for watching! Supports HYPER tipping, betting, watching players compete for HYPER in CSGO and more:
Now streaming live:  How to earn HYPER: 1. Create an account at http://www.twitch.tv2. Visit http://www.twitch.tv/HYPERCrypto and watch the stream when it is Live That's it! You will receive HYPER every 10 minutes for those 2 simple steps whenever the stream is live. 3? Optional: Earn additional HYPER by clicking the heart button to follow the channel, and by placing bets as explained below. Every 10 minutes viewers receive 30 mHYPER. Followers receive an additional 50 mHYPER. Those who have placed a bet within the past 10 minutes receive an additional 70 mHYPER. This means you can earn up to 150 mHYPER every 10 minutes, paid out automatically. Commands can be sent to the chat room: !donate 187 Donates 187 mHYPER to the stream to help support the project. !balance Returns your current balance in mHYPER. !address H93CY3iNSqdBnMmA6Kgj8KfQ3QCreBhW2C Sets your withdrawal address to the HYPER address "H93CY3iNSqdBnMmA6Kgj8KfQ3QCreBhW2C" !deposit Returns a HYPER address which you can send HYPER to. Your deposit will be automatically placed into your account. 1 HYPER is equal to 1000 mHYPER. There is a minimum deposit amount of 1 HYPER. !withdraw 1234 Requests a withdrawal from your account for 1234 mHYPER (1.234 HYPER) which will be sent to the address you added with the !address command. Returns a transaction ID linked to the block explorer. There is currently a 500 mHYPER (0.5 HYPER) minimum withdrawal amount. !follower The bot will respond and tell you whether or not you are eligible for the follower bonus. It can take up to 30 minutes for the bot to see you have followed the channel. !bet_t 123 Places a 123 mHYPER bet which will result in a win if the terrorist team wins the current round. There is currently a 1 mHYPER minimum bet amount. The maximum bet amount is 1,000,000 mHYPER. !bet_ct 321 Places a 321 mHYPER bet which will result in a win if the counter-terrorist team wins the current round. There is currently a 1 mHYPER minimum bet amount. The maximum bet amount is currently 1,000,000 mHYPER. A little about betting: You can win up to double your initial bet amount. There is a 2% fee on winning payouts which is automatically deducted. Players must take the opposite side of any bet you place in order for you to win. If you bet 1 mHYPER on the CT team to win, someone else must place a 1 mHYPER or more bet on the T team to win that round. The minimum bet amount is currently 1 mHYPER. The maximum bet amount is currently 1,000,000 mHYPER. Keep in mind the video stream is slightly delayed due to video encoding and transmission times. The 3 largest donations, 3 most recent bets, and 3 most recent followers are displayed on the video stream in a scrolling ticker format. HYPER can now be traded for other in-game resources in the free market trading platform in MMO RPG Dragon Knight. This provides interesting trading opportunities and enable people to earn HYPER by building up an empire and then selling their wood and stone on the resource market. You can also deposit HYPER and buy wood and stone to supercharge your kingdom. The new era of crypto gaming has arrived! http://dknight.ml
 Introducing Dragon Knight V2.0 The following changes have been made to the game, 1. Integrated HYPER and GP even further into the game 2. Changed the withdrawal system pertaining to HYPER and GP 3. Added ability to buy/sell all resources for Gold/HYPER/GP in the kingdoms Resource Market 4. Added chance to find HYPER and GP while exploring 5. Added ability to exchange DP for GP and HYPER that can be held on your character 6. Added ability to use GP and HYPER to heal in the Town Inn 7. Added ability to deposit GP and HYPER into your account balanceStatusLive Game linkhttp://dknight.mlSupported CurrenciesHYPER - HYPER GoldPieces - GP Game FeaturesIn the world of Dragon Knight you can explore the map fighting over 150 different monsters, build your own Kingdom, fight other players for gold, take over other players land, outfit your character with the best weapons the game offers, complete quests for each city, create and join Clans, and much more! SponsorsMoonCoin MOON - Crypto Database FlappyCoin FLAP - Crypto Database Einsteinium EMC2 - Armis CryptoClub CCB - CryptoClubber, ALTHunterz BirdCoin BRD - Ciocgun HYPER HYPER - HYPERfuture GoldPieces GP - HYPERfuture Game StaffAnarchist - Developer, Customer Support Sonny Hansen (ALTHunterz) - Marketing Manager (BTC: 1WR698rgR5EV1PWwV97WR1Np6fhRWUmN) ScreenshotsTown View  Random event while exploring  NPC fight while exploring  Defeating a monster SuggestionsWe value your opinion and would like to hear what you have to say regarding this game. If you have suggestions for the game please email them to me at admin@cryptodatabase.net or post on our original thread found here, If you would like to donate to the game to help keep it running please use the addresses below. 100% of all coins donated or earned by DK 2.0 are put back into the game in one form or another. *Withdrawals are processed when payments for our faucets go out. HYPER has a web wallet with API for developers to integrate HYPER and C2 into their online games easily in partnership with Coin2. For more info click quote below or PM me. Marketing and support is offered for games supporting HYPER and C2:
HYPER is sponsoring the development of TeamDisaster's awesome Troll Song game. This means HYPER will be the official sponsor on the development blog, website, and also in-game through a screen that pop ups letting people know HYPER has sponsored its development. This was one of our dreams with HYPER, to help sponsor indie game development and I am really happy to see this taking shape. The more HYPER is worth, the more games we can sponsor (as well as work on the main Space MMO). So to support future work just buy HYPER.
HYPER is now also sponsoring the development of retro adventure game Troll Song 
The full game will be a commercial release with five "Verses", the first of which has recently been released as freeware to help advertise the game. StoryTroll Song aims to tell the story of trolls as a people, a culture, a society. The trolls are under threat of extermination, but although they're big and strong, these trolls are no mindless brutes - they are a simple but honourable people with their own sense of morality and honour; a people who have feelings, who develop friendships; even a people who make music. Well, a sort of music... For the four trolls who manage to survive the attempted trollicide, it's not simply a matter of staying alive, or even a matter of revenge - for you see, to find out what their future can be, they first have to learn about their history - the very origin of their race. You play as Clod, one of the trolls who manages to escape. Using your trollish abilities, you must also help your remaining friends to escape. Before your journey continues you will find an unlikely ally, and along your path of discovery, you will find out that Clod is not just an ordinary troll... he has a destiny. Troll Song is a point and click adventure designed to be unique while still reminding players of those old classic LucasArts games that we used to love (and in fact still do).  - Troll Song: Verse One - Completely Stoned Download- Dev Blog HYPER is sponsoring HYPER Wars, a web-based multiplayer space combat and trading game where you can earn HYPER for playing! Game is live!
Introducing Hyper Wars, a web-based multiplayer space combat and trading game sponsored by HYPER. As you play Hyper Wars you will complete tasks that reward you with HYPER that can be withdrawn to your wallet! The more you play, the more you will earn. Players can gain HYPER within minutes of first starting. There is an excellent guide to playing linked in game, https://cryptodatabase.net/star/faq.php as well as a new players guide, https://cryptodatabase.net/star/newplayerguide.phpHYPER is gained automatically as you play the game, the more you play the more you can earn. StatusLive Game linkhttp://hyperwars.ml (The actual link is http://cryptodatabase.net/star Once the new domain is setup for forwarding it will automatically redirect to this link) Game FeaturesCreate new planets and upgrade your defenses to become the most powerful ruler in the galaxy. Fortify your planets with mines and fighters to ward off enemy players. Search and destroy the AI Players before they find and destroy you first! Do you have what it takes to wield great power and submit your will upon everyone else? SponsorsHYPER HYPER - HYPERfuture Screenshots  SuggestionsWe value your opinion and would like to hear what you have to say regarding this game. If you have suggestions for the game please email them to me at admin@cryptodatabase.net or post here on this thread. HYPER is now accepted as a payment method for CAT auto crypto trading bot!

More info about CAT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=507103
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May 25, 2014, 03:00:55 PM |
sexy wallet;)
May 25, 2014, 03:03:32 PM |
What Algo?
All views are my own, except those that I have subconsciously inherited from my parents and those that I have nicked from far cleverer people.
Jr. Member
Activity: 57
Merit: 10
May 25, 2014, 03:06:13 PM |
hi,man,pow start?any pool?need more info. 
HYPERfuture (OP)
May 25, 2014, 03:07:40 PM |
What Algo?
Algo is Scrypt. Just updated the OP. PoW only lasts for two weeks though before we move to pure PoS.
May 25, 2014, 03:09:44 PM |
Noone will buy your ninjalaunch instamine premine bullshit
May 25, 2014, 03:11:38 PM |
Noone will buy your ninjalaunch instamine premine bullshit
Instamined? We are at block 132 atm
May 25, 2014, 03:13:35 PM Last edit: May 25, 2014, 03:31:04 PM by 4w4k3ning |
no pool yet? And mining solo info?RPC PORT? 
HYPERfuture (OP)
May 25, 2014, 03:18:33 PM Last edit: May 25, 2014, 10:33:41 PM by HYPERfuture |
hi,man,pow start?any pool?need more info.  Sorry! We have updated the OP algo is Scrypt  We are working on the pool right now as a priority, or if someone makes a pool first we will send them some HYPER as a thank you  If anyone wants to develop any services for HYPER we will send you some bounty for your efforts 
May 25, 2014, 03:22:55 PM |
no pool yet? And mining solo info?RPC PORT?  rpc port anything you want as always:)
HYPERfuture (OP)
May 25, 2014, 03:32:03 PM |
sexy wallet;)
Thanks we tried our best  OP has been updated with hyper.conf info but wallet downloads already include the best conf.
May 25, 2014, 03:43:20 PM |
Hmm, lets see: static const int64 MAX_MINT_PROOF_OF_STAKE = 0.6 * COIN; // 60% annual interest - 5% monthly interest static const int64 MAX_MINT_PROOF_OF_STAKE2 = 0.1 * COIN; static const int64 MAX_MINT_PROOF_OF_STAKE3 = 0.02 * COIN; const int YEARLY_BLOCKCOUNT = 1051200; // 365 * 2880 int64 GetProofOfStakeReward(int64 nCoinAge, unsigned int nBits, unsigned int nTime, int nHeight) { int64 nRewardCoinYear; nRewardCoinYear = MAX_MINT_PROOF_OF_STAKE;
if(nHeight > (5 * YEARLY_BLOCKCOUNT)) nRewardCoinYear = MAX_MINT_PROOF_OF_STAKE2;
if(nHeight > (10 * YEARLY_BLOCKCOUNT)) nRewardCoinYear = MAX_MINT_PROOF_OF_STAKE3;
int64 nSubsidy = nCoinAge * nRewardCoinYear / 365; Lets get facts more straight. 60% yearly interest != 5% monthly interest. Dont be fooled by fancy word "compounding" either. It has next to non existing effect with this coin. unsigned int nStakeMaxAge = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; Max age being 30 days. Dont always expect to get daily stakes if network stake weight gets high. Good luck with a coin, Dev.
May 25, 2014, 04:19:18 PM Last edit: May 25, 2014, 04:30:30 PM by appbox |
HYPERfuture (OP)
May 25, 2014, 04:23:18 PM |
live soon
Great! Please let me know when it is live and supply us with a HYPER address so we can send you your bounty 
May 25, 2014, 04:31:01 PM |
live soon
Great! Please let me know when it is live and supply us with a HYPER address so we can send you your bounty  Thanks. HBkZnqy9L98Wv2LLXhaNx3Q1NX65qWrcCo
HYPERfuture (OP)
May 25, 2014, 04:36:10 PM |
live soon
Great! Please let me know when it is live and supply us with a HYPER address so we can send you your bounty  Thanks. HBkZnqy9L98Wv2LLXhaNx3Q1NX65qWrcCo HYPER sent! Thanks 
May 25, 2014, 04:54:34 PM |
meh....not much excitement in the scrypt world right now....may as well mine this for a bit.
Sr. Member
Activity: 308
Merit: 250
Invest & Earn: https://cloudthink.io
May 25, 2014, 05:10:22 PM |
wts 1k HYPER
Pump and dumper T.T
HYPERfuture (OP)
May 25, 2014, 05:12:31 PM |
wts 1k HYPER
Keep it in your wallet and watch it stake over the next few days  Effective immediately the HYPER team has decided that as well as funding the development of HYPER virtual worlds, games, services, marketing and more, a Market Stabilization Fund will be used to trade on exchanges, to try and ensure HYPER value on exchanges is stable and growing.