We need to be able to measure how many coins are on exchanges. Fractional banking is a concern. There are many flaws to the proof of reserves process. I propose we create a standard of special exchange addresses. When sending coins to exchanges they must use an address that identifies that it is on an exchange. When an order happens on exchange coins are sent to a new exchange address and we can match time and amount of coins to the exchanges reported volume according to the orderbook but preserves pseudonymity.
In the systems I am developing at LuaPod we do not store our funds as float or double values. They are stored in single satoshi increments
(1 = 0.00000001 )
The wallets are not capable of being accessed by the webserver. In fact our balances
can not even be adjusted from the webserver if it were compromised. The main thing
we are doing to create a form of transparency is disclosing full access to the front-end
database. The system in order to continue running and in order to make withdraws must
also pass several steps that are described at :
http://xboxtrial.cf/info/info.luaCompanies should move towards being more transparent is what needs to happen
in order for us to get a consensus of what is going on. Most of the money stolen
has actually been because these systems somehow had control over the money in
areas where users had frequent access (such as webservers)