January 10, 2016, 08:05:26 PM |
Hello, but....why not load the game COC on the platform steam? If it is accepted, you get visibility 
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1000
January 10, 2016, 10:11:55 PM |
Hello, but....why not load the game COC on the platform steam? If it is accepted, you get visibility  The problem with that is, its not technically ready for steam yet, I'm working just as hard as I can, and it has been brought to my attention the buildings in the village are not all original.. so im left with a decision to make, keep them or make some old abandoned structures to replace the ones currently there... I want our game to be ours and ours alone, completely original to the point no one can come in and say were using this or that and dont have permission. What do you guys think on the subject of the village area.. keep or make new buildings? As far as the development goes, ive had to make terrain changes to accommodate some of the ideas i've had for the new city/lake area, there has been an apartment complex created, there are going to be docks on the water, and probly will be some boats.. but like wheels has said, we definately could use some help. Animation and Model artists would be great, programmers, sound techs, anyone who has experience in game design. As of now its just me and chad working on the game, so things are moving rather slowly.. we wont give up though, hell im proof of that.. its been a year into development for me already.. hopefully you guys dont give up on us either.
World without fiats!
January 11, 2016, 09:10:22 AM |
as you can see king Arbin, no one is making pressure on you, each holder is aware of situation and lack of manpower. i think that you are doing great job, constant progress and will from dev team is what i want and i see that.
i like what you are doing, building from scratch but it is hell of a job and no one here knows details you do so i think you should stick to your plan and dont skip things you think are going to make this game cool
it is hard man but i hope that as things are coming to an end more people will see potentiall and someone with knowledge might jump in
life is amazing
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1000
January 14, 2016, 03:42:46 AM |
Well as you guys can see I have been working a bit hard on the models, and have made some terrain changes. I also decided to try my hand at a tower defense/real time strategy type game to put on facebook, it will be similar to chain of conflict so I can reuse the models in both, except unlike CoC it will be top down, point and click. One of the models I am creating that can be reused will be a tank I am working on, creating the wheel-tracks was a real bitch.. lol.. but the model is half done, still have to create the top part and add the gun turret. Yes I know it might be adding too much work on my plate but i have to do something to have an income to hire programmers and that type of game there are various tutorials on youtube for. As promised here are some screenshots of the current state of the new city/lake area. Also the gas pumps, drink fridges and breakable glass are done, but they are on my laptop and I haven't transferred the files to my desktop yet. They should all be in the next build. There is also a desk in the back room of the store with a pc on it.  
World without fiats!
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
January 14, 2016, 08:23:19 AM |
Is the Dragonball Forsaken future mud text game down?
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1000
January 14, 2016, 08:56:16 AM |
Is the Dragonball Forsaken future mud text game down?
Yes it was shutdown awhile ago, no one was playing it, if you want to run a copy the source is available, I made it opensource a long time ago.
World without fiats!
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
January 14, 2016, 09:13:47 AM |
Is the Dragonball Forsaken future mud text game down?
Yes it was shutdown awhile ago, no one was playing it, if you want to run a copy the source is available, I made it opensource a long time ago. would I be able to play it while earning at the same time? Or is that not possible?
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1000
January 14, 2016, 09:06:34 PM |
Is the Dragonball Forsaken future mud text game down?
Yes it was shutdown awhile ago, no one was playing it, if you want to run a copy the source is available, I made it opensource a long time ago. would I be able to play it while earning at the same time? Or is that not possible? Its not possible atm, but you could find a programmer to setup code to allow it to connect to a coin2 wallet/daemon, I never bothered to set it up because very few people were interested in a text only game. As a suggestion, since it is mostly just a hack 'n' slash type, mob killing game, i would have your programmer set it per kill rewards, or per 1000 mobs killed equals so much C2(or your coin of choice) keep in mind that you will have to fund the game wallet for payouts or take donations to fund it. That is of course if you set the game up. MudMagic or SmaugMuds would be a good place to start to look for someone to help you do so, their forums are centered entirely on these types of games.
World without fiats!
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1000
January 18, 2016, 01:37:07 AM |
Ok guys, I got some news, I may have just found us the help we need to get CoC off the beta floor. There's a catch though, I have to work for some people at a company called Firestorm Studios as a model artist first, but they seem to be really organized. They have 2 programmers, and another model artist. This is good because after I finish helping them complete their game(definitely gonna ask them to include C2 in as a payment method for premium content as good will for me helping them), I'm going to explain to them about CoC, how the only things stopping it from being playable atm is networking, as long as were able to kill each other in game, im sure everyone could deal with the under developed world, lol. I'm probly getting ahead of myself because I haven't even been told whether their actually gonna hire me or not, but lets all keep our fingers crossed, things could change for coin2.
World without fiats!
January 18, 2016, 04:42:45 AM |
Yes that would be cool ,good luck with that.Still holding my coins from the begin 
January 18, 2016, 06:50:18 AM Last edit: January 18, 2016, 04:35:03 PM by oldandgrey |
Yes that would be cool ,good luck with that.Still holding my coins from the begin  Great news!!! :-) edit Oops really meant that for Kings post but good to hear that Penetrator10 is still holding also lol.
Coin2.1: UwSmkRvKBUmxQSzJ8N9T5SSy3BBeW86wS Hyper : HVRL9P7tEfG8NBnfuk1Qo26jNsnhxHhZu8
January 22, 2016, 11:52:54 AM |
waiting for news king Arbin
just of curiosity, how many transactions you guys have in your wallet, i am at 30000 now. it was offline more than 6 monts last year
life is amazing
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1000
January 22, 2016, 06:08:27 PM |
waiting for news king Arbin
just of curiosity, how many transactions you guys have in your wallet, i am at 30000 now. it was offline more than 6 monts last year
idk i dont count it, lol.. and the news is the guy is busy alot, took him 2 days to get back with me when i messaged him on skype, he talked for about 20 min and had to run again, then i talked to him for about 15 min yesterday, he definitely wants my help, but hasnt sent me anything to work with yet. I'm not sure if he is wasting my time or what, but another couple days and im gonna see about doing some model work for someone else.
World without fiats!
January 23, 2016, 09:46:34 AM |
if it is not profesional than fuck it..
you dont need to count, lol it says in your wallet, overview section below balance
life is amazing
Activity: 2704
Merit: 1181
Reflinks und User die solche posten sind Scheisse
January 23, 2016, 10:25:06 AM Last edit: January 23, 2016, 10:40:02 AM by quasimodo |
waiting for news king Arbin
just of curiosity, how many transactions you guys have in your wallet, i am at 30000 now. it was offline more than 6 monts last year
today 63728 transactions, but i have to send my coins to a new wallet now.
January 23, 2016, 10:51:41 AM Last edit: January 23, 2016, 11:30:37 AM by pagona |
waiting for news king Arbin
just of curiosity, how many transactions you guys have in your wallet, i am at 30000 now. it was offline more than 6 monts last year
today 63728 transactions, but i have to send my coins to a new wallet now. thats an old wallet, wright? i had mine staking a lot of time but yours is like all the time on
life is amazing
Activity: 2704
Merit: 1181
Reflinks und User die solche posten sind Scheisse
January 23, 2016, 11:14:31 AM |
waiting for news king Arbin
just of curiosity, how many transactions you guys have in your wallet, i am at 30000 now. it was offline more than 6 monts last year
today 63728 transactions, but i have to send my coins to a new wallet now. thats an old wallet, wright? i had mine staking a lot of time but yours is like all the time on Yeah, since i got my first stake from the giveaway longtime ago my wallet is on. Meanwhile, it reacts very slowly.
January 23, 2016, 11:32:49 AM |
waiting for news king Arbin
just of curiosity, how many transactions you guys have in your wallet, i am at 30000 now. it was offline more than 6 monts last year
today 63728 transactions, but i have to send my coins to a new wallet now. thats an old wallet, wright? i had mine staking a lot of time but yours is like all the time on Yeah, since i got my first stake from the giveaway longtime ago my wallet is on. Meanwhile, it reacts very slowly. it was long time ago, thats why i wouldnt change mine, why are you sending coins to another?
life is amazing
Activity: 2704
Merit: 1181
Reflinks und User die solche posten sind Scheisse
January 23, 2016, 11:41:08 AM Last edit: January 23, 2016, 12:00:17 PM by quasimodo |
waiting for news king Arbin
just of curiosity, how many transactions you guys have in your wallet, i am at 30000 now. it was offline more than 6 monts last year
today 63728 transactions, but i have to send my coins to a new wallet now. thats an old wallet, wright? i had mine staking a lot of time but yours is like all the time on Yeah, since i got my first stake from the giveaway longtime ago my wallet is on. Meanwhile, it reacts very slowly. it was long time ago, thats why i wouldnt change mine, why are you sending coins to another? The wallet.dat is 35 Mb and if i press a button it need now 5-10 seconds to react. Thats boring and i hope with a new wallet and no transaction that will be better.
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1053 |
January 25, 2016, 06:02:27 PM |
waiting for news king Arbin
just of curiosity, how many transactions you guys have in your wallet, i am at 30000 now. it was offline more than 6 monts last year
today 63728 transactions, but i have to send my coins to a new wallet now. thats an old wallet, wright? i had mine staking a lot of time but yours is like all the time on Yeah, since i got my first stake from the giveaway longtime ago my wallet is on. Meanwhile, it reacts very slowly. it was long time ago, thats why i wouldnt change mine, why are you sending coins to another? The wallet.dat is 35 Mb and if i press a button it need now 5-10 seconds to react. Thats boring and i hope with a new wallet and no transaction that will be better. what u can do to fix this i rename wallet.dat to wallet.datold start client u will have a new main address and a empty wallet encrypt the address with a password and then make a backup of the wallet.dat and copy ur new main address now again rename wallet.dat into wallet.datnew and rename wallet.datold into wallet.dat start wallet again and start transfering all ur coins to ur new main address u have to find out what will be the max amount of C2 u can transfer in one transaction because ur old address is clusterfuck uf shitload POS split stake blocks once u transfered all funds rename wallet.dat again into wallet.datold and wallet.datnew into wallet.dat when u start wallet u should have all ur coins and a fast wallet to avoid such a pain in the ass problem only open wallet for minting once a month 1 day this is very bad for network if u have to keep wallet closed or get a clusterfuck wallet so real solution is wallet update with a option to define splitstaketreshhold like for example in hyper (but lot other coins have too) What is setstakesplitthreshold and how to use it? Edit If you have a block of 5,000 HYP that stakes with a reward of 1,000 HYP after 10 days, the network will take your original 5k block and destroy it, and give you two blocks of 3k HYP, thus splitting your stake.
Version added the ability for the user to define when they want their wallet to split their stakes. By default it is set to not split the stake if each new block is less than 1k HYP. So in the case of this 6k stake, it will still split them into two blocks of 3k HYP.
If you were to enter into your debug window "setstakesplitthreshold 4000", then that would mean your wallet won't split the blocks if it results in each block being less than 4k HYP. So in the example above, it would have produce one block of 6k and not split them. If you set the threshold to 2000, then it would have split them. or a advanced full automated system that need zero micromanagement for staking like DMD Diamond have details u can find here:,127.0.html