can anyone explain me?
how many are there total coins?
did ico sold out at all or there were some burning of coins?
is there any plan for POD?
why those critical information are not in OP ?
is there hidden premine?Did anyone review code?
I have feeling that small group control coin and don't allow anz questions and waiting for our btcs to come in their nets..
Whole project is just for laugh ! logo, OP, problems with wallet..
- Total coin amount will be around 6 or 7 million
- ICO was divided among everyone who invested, so yes, ICO was sold out. Aroud 200 satoshi per CND was final price.
- Not at the moment.
- They are not critical, but if you really insist, they will be added.
- No hidden pre-mine! In fact, there wasn't any premine, public nor hidden. Bittrex reviewed the code.
Our whole team likes the logo, if you don't like it, you are welcome to enter logo contest
Only very small minority had problems with wallet and they didn't provide us with any closer information.