That's going to be hard - for example, we have one of the holo unknowns that were given away with one of the early movies.
Otherwise, probably 1000 cards sitting in the garage from the series one decks. (disclaimer - it's my daughter who is the long time, core poke-nut. Our first visit to a Poke-Centre in Tokyo was really funny as she had to look at everything all at once)
Lucky for me, I only want the 1st generation cards. I want every card from Base, Jungle, Fossil, Base 2 and possibly rocket/legendary collection (base 3).
I think its somewhat do able.
I think I still have the card list (unlikely to still have the box) for Jungle and Fossil (and base). We had a few of the original sets - I can have a look in a few days. It's not like you're after the collection of plastic figures - there's a lot of those!!